
Tool for generating weather data updated

Information about the weather is crucial for reducing risk in agricultural decision making and creating food security for all. Photo: N.Palmer

MarkSim GCM is currently being updated with more recent climate model outputs, from the IPCC’s CMIP5 archive.

Since becoming available in June 2011, the on-line and stand-alone versions of the MarkSim GCM stochastic weather generator tool have been widely tested. A few problems were found, which have now been corrected. Both versions of the tool can be used to generate daily data that are characteristic of current conditions, based on the WorldClim dataset, an interpolated surface of weather station data from around the world mostly covering the years 1960-1990.

One version of the tool can be accessed here, in a Google Earth user interface. An alternative version of the tool, which can be run via user-written scripts or calling programmes can be accessed here, along with detailed documentation.

MarkSim GCM was developed by Waen Associates with CCAFS support, in cooperation with CIATILRIIFPRIPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, HarvestChoice and the University of Oxford.

Read more:

Weather generator tool helps agronomists assess climate risks

Future Weather Generating Tool Updated

Philip Thornton is the CCAFS Data and Tools Research Theme Leader. Find out more about CCAFS' research into data and tools. If you are interested in reading about CCAFS' research linking knowledge to action, click here