
Coorporación CLAYUCA (CLAYUCA)National agricultural research and extension servicesLatin AmericaClimate Services and Safety Nets
Cornell UniversityAcademic InstitutionClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets, Low Emissions Development
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA)National agricultural research and extension servicesLatin AmericaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Low Emissions Development
Council on Renewable Natural Resources Bureau (CoRRb)National agricultural research and extension servicesSouth AsiaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
CRP 1.1 Dryland SystemsChallenge Research ProgramWest AfricaClimate Services and Safety Nets
CRP 2 Policies, institutions and marketsChallenge Research ProgramWest Africa
CRP 3.1 WheatChallenge Research ProgramWest AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
CRP 3.2 MaizeChallenge Research ProgramWest AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
CRP 3.4 Roots, Tubers, and BananasChallenge Research ProgramWest AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
CRP 3.5 Grain LegumesChallenge Research ProgramWest Africa
CRP Grain LegumesChallenge Research ProgramSouth Asia
Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI)National agricultural research and extension servicesSoutheast AsiaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
D.LightPrivate Research Institution
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)Advanced Research InstitutionClimate Services and Safety Nets
Data Analysis and Technical Assistance Limited (DATA)Private Research InstitutionSouth AsiaClimate Services and Safety Nets
Deendayal Research Institute (DRI)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationSouth AsiaClimate Services and Safety Nets
Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)Government office/departmentClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Deltaplan BangladeshOtherSouth Asia
Deltas vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation Project (DECCMA)Other
Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP)Government office/departmentLatin AmericaLow Emissions Development
Department of Agrarian DevelopmentGovernment office/departmentSouth AsiaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Department of Agricultural Extension Education of Bangladesh Agricultural University (DAEE)Academic InstitutionSouth AsiaLow Emissions Development
Department of Agricultural Extension Services (DAES)Government office/departmentClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS)National agricultural research and extension servicesClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets
Department of Agricultural Technical and Extension Services of Zimbabwe (AGRITEX)National agricultural research and extension servicesClimate Services and Safety Nets