
Deissy Martínez Baron

MSc. Deissy Martinez-Baron is the Regional Program Leader for CCAFS in Latin America based at CIAT in Cali, Colombia. She plays a major role in regional partnership development aimed to build impact pathways so that knowledge in climate change leads to more competitive and resilient agriculture in Latin America. She leads CCAFS research portfolio in the region aiming for bringing more climate services into across scales decision-making processes, informing policies and priorities with gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture, and increasing evidence on low carbon and more resilient agricultural options in the region.

Deissy’s experience in the public sector has been key to make strategic alliances with key regional and national stakeholders in order to scale science-based actions to increase resilience in the agricultural sector and food systems while reducing emissions to achieve global targets. In addition, her research on the economic impacts of climate change and implications in both challenges and action in rural communities and society is strengthening CCAFS regional research.

Deissy studied Economics and International Affairs and Political Studies, both at the Nueva Granada Military University and a MSc in Rural Development at Pontifical Javeriana University in Colombia. Before joining CCAFS, Deissy was working at the Sustainable Environmental Development Deputy Directorate of the National Planning Department in the Study of Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Colombia developed by the Group of Climate Change. She has also worked at the National Administrative Department of Statistics in Satellite Account of Environment at National Accounts Department.
