Linkages between climate-smart agriculture and REDD+

Project description
CCAFS examined the linkages between climate-smart agriculture and avoided deforestation, including Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+). The project focused on agricultural commodities as major drivers of deforestation and opportunites for low-carbon pathways to sustainable development.
As part of this project, CCAFS gave special attention to the governance and incentive arrangements affecting the supply chains of beef, palm oil and cereal crops, and the jurisdictions in which they are grown.
The list below summarises the scope of this work.
Activities included:
- Supporting technical options and innovative public-private partnerships by linking sustainable beef cattle production and enhanced landscape management(CIFOR, CIRAD, EMBRAPA, Government of Pará)
- Avoided deforestation and reduced emissions through sustainable cattle certification in Brazil (University of Michigan, University of Oxford, University of Sao Paolo, Rainforest Alliance, Imaflora)
- Aligning plantations and smallholders with best management practices to reduce GHG emissions from oil palm development in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (CIFOR, Daemeter)
Research reviews
- What have we learned about governing agricultural and forest areas to achieve climate change mitigation? Blog with links to Global Environmental Change special issue.
- Linking forests and food production in the REDD+ context. CCAFS Working Paper.
- Country-level readiness for climate change in agriculture: lessons learned point way forward. Climate readiness in agricultural systems study.
- Prioritizing food security and livelihoods in climate change mitigation mechanisms: Experiences and opportunities for smallholder coffee agroforestry, forest communities and REDD+. PRISMA policy brief.
- Review of current tools and methods for REDD+ and REALU value chains.
- Lessons from REDD+ for agriculture. CCAFS policy brief.
- REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods: the emerging agenda. Book published by CIFOR.
SBSTA and COP Events
- Breaking the link between commodity agriculture and deforestation. Blog with summary of events at COP19, presentations, partners, and link to working paper on sustainable beef production in Brazil.
- Seeing REDD Down On the Farm: Closing the gap between climate ‘promises’ and farm policies. Description of side event at 2011 SBSTA event hosted by CCAFS with six partners.
Integrating REDD+
- Agroforestry in REDD+: Opportunities and Challenges. ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins Policy Brief.
- On-farm timber production for emission reduction with sustainable benefits at the tropical forest margins. ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins Policy Brief.
- Payments for ecosystem services schemes: project-level insights on benefits for ecosystems and the rural poor. ICRAF Working Paper.
- Building the base for climate-smart agriculture: Learning from national examples. Blog and link to Agriculture and Food Security article.
- How can sustainable intensification make farming climate-smart? Blog and link to Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability article.
- Cocoa production in Brazil: producers can significantly increase yields while retaining above-ground carbon stocks. Blog and link to Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change article.
- Sustainable agriculture land management is paying off for Kenyan farmers. Description of the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project and sustainable agriculture manual for farmers.
- Carbon footprints and carbon stocks reveal climate-friendly coffee production. Blog and link to Agronomy for Sustainable Development article.
- Governance of Forest and Agricultural Landscapes. International Forestry Resources and Institutions project description, including summary of project.
Further information
For further information, please contact Julianna White (CCAFS) at