
Research and engagement for scaling climate-smart agriculture in Latin America

Photo: J. L. Urrea (CCAFS)

This project aims to develop activities at different scales that will guide CCAFS synthesis, engagement and support across the regional portfolio. Local activities are related to the implementation of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technological packages, as well as implementation of strategies to engage at community level in Latin America’s climate-smart villages (CSV) in order to create evidence to scale up and out the CSA approach through national and regional level stakeholders.

National and regional activities will include addressing priorities in the region, and context-specific actions and interactions with partners, governments and research centers will lead to the formulation and implementation of policies and strategies on climate change, agriculture and food security.

Project Deliverables

  • Small-scale farmers in a 1.5°C future: The importance of local social dynamics as an enabling factor for implementation and scaling of climate-smart agriculture

  • Index Insurance for the Agricultural Sector in Central America, Honduras: Propuesta para Esquema de Implementación para los Seguros de índice contra sequía

  • Progress report on commercialization of index insurance with La Equidad insurance company

  • Lessons Learnt: Index Insurance for the Agricultural Sector in Central America: Honduras

  • Concept note on reestablishment of Agricultural Insurance Committee in Honduras

  • Strategy on Climate Smart Agriculture for Central America and Dominican Republic

  • PICSA implementation in Cauca CSV

  • Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA): Manual de campo: Una guía detallada sobre el uso de PICSA con agricultores, paso por paso

  • Methodology for scaling CSA practices in Cauca, Colombia

  • Participatory evaluation of six common bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris) resistant to drought and biofortified in Cauca CSV

  • Climate services and insurance: scaling climate smart agriculture

  • Sustainable and Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Rice Production in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review on the Transition from Ideality to Reality

  • FFS (Field farm schools) +++: Vulnerability analysis for planning on the ground

  • Adequate vegetative cover decreases nitrous oxide emissions from cattle urine deposited in grazed pastures under rainy season conditions

  • Research brief: Value chain and market potential of Chaya to strengthen climate resilience, nutrition security and incomes in Guatemala

  • Marketing prospects of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) in Guatemala through an analysis of common bean value chain

  • Co-designing Climate-Smart Farming Systems With Local Stakeholders: A Methodological Framework for Achieving Large-Scale Change

  • Guide to implement Field Farm Schools focuses on climate variability with rural families: Conceptual basis

  • Detailed analysis of key agricultural systems in Colombia and their performance in green growth indicators at subnational level. Report 2: Green Growth Mission

  • Lessons on bridging the science-policy divide for climate change action in developing countries

  • Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTAC): Implementation Manual

  • Innovation platforms for Climate Smart Agriculture in Honduras

  • Description of prioritized technologies, institutional framework, and impact on green growth indicators at the national level in Colombia. Report 3: Green Growth Mission

  • Guide to implement Field Farm Schools focuses on climate variability with rural families: climate vulnerability on production systems and water resources

  • Bridging the gap between climate science and farmers in Colombia

  • Technical and policy recommendations on Land Productivity and Agricultural Performances for Green Growth Mission in Colombia

  • Small-scale farmers in a 1.5 oC future: The importance of local social dynamics as an enabling factor for implementation and scaling of climate-smart agriculture

  • Report on CSV approach development and implementation in Nicaragua and Guatemala

  • Assessment of mitigation potential of adaptation measures in Colombia and Nicaragua climate-smart villages

  • Report on activities, process and achievements in Cauca CSV in Colombia

  • PICSA implementation in Cauca CSV in Colombia - Implementación de Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA) en el TESAC - Cauca Colombia

  • PICSA implementation process in El Tuma La Dalia CSV in NIcaragua

  • Climate-smart agriculture: in need of a theory of scaling

  • Info Note: Towards a climate-smart village: opportunities and challenges to scale adaptation actions in Guatemalan Dry Corridor (Spanish)

  • Implementation of the Climate-Smart village approach

  • Analysis of key agricultural systems in Colombia and their performance on green growth indicators at national level. Report 1: Green Growth Mission

  • Launch Report: Project “Generating evidence on gender sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture to inform policy in Central America”

  • Summary of key inputs and considerations for updating of Public Policy of Cauca 'For Women Dignity in Cauca'

  • Sustainable and Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Rice Production in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review on the Transition from Ideality to Reality

  • Training course guide The Climate-Smart Villages (CSV) approach in the Dry Corridor of eastern Guatemala

  • The LCA4CSA framework: Using life cycle assessment to strengthen environmental sustainability analysis of climate smart agriculture options at farm and crop system levels

  • Annual Monitoring Report 2018: Olopa Climate Smart Village in Guatemala

  • Main achievements of the implementation of the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach in Olopa, Guatemala in 2019

  • Main achievements of the implementation of the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach in Santa Rita, Honduras in 2019

  • Soil fertility in forages, coffee, and cocoa systems of the climate-smart village of Nicaragua

  • Modeling results from bean trials in Cauca CSV

  • Annual Monitoring Report 2018: Santa Rita Climate Smart Village in Honduras

  • Results on life cycle assessments to determine impacts of lifestyle choices in Cauca and Honduras CSV

  • Annual Monitoring Report 2018: Cauca Climate Smart Village in Colombia

  • Training course: “Enfoque Territorios Sostenibles Adaptados al Clima”: una alianza para el escalamiento de experiencias y prácticas de adaptación en el Corredor Seco de Guatemala

  • Policy brief on Green growth policy in Colombia

  • Can an innovation platform support a local process of climate-smart agriculture implementation?

  • Transforming food systems under a changing climate in Latin America: A climate policy review

  • Report on south-south exchanges on CSA between CA4 countries and Colombia

  • Moving towards a Climate-Smart Village: opportunities and challenges to scale adaptation initiatives in the Dry Corridor of Guatemala

  • Synthesis on main contributions from the FSSD: Transform Latin American food systems to build back better from COVID-19 and tackle climate change & nature loss

  • How to collaborate with farmers in decision-making to manage pests farming effectively and adapted to the climate?

  • Step-by-step process to mainstream gender in climate-smart agricultural initiatives in Guatemala

  • Scaling up the use of low-emissions development (LED) research outputs in Colombia: Linking science to policy for supporting country’s LED agriculture

  • Step-by-step process to mainstream gender in climate-smart agricultural initiatives in Honduras

  • Ambition Meets Reality: Achieving GHG Emission Reduction Targets in the Livestock Sector of Latin America

  • Press Release - Identifying climate adaptation measures for Latin American farmers

  • Generating evidence on gender sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture to inform policy in Central America: Final technical project report

  • State of the art in climate change, agriculture, and food security in Guatemala. Update 2020

  • Monitoring the effects of COVID-19 in Colombia, Honduras, and Guatemala food security

  • Video - Resilience to climate change from the farmers of Cauca Climate-Smart Village

  • Workshop report: Nitrogen fertilization, baseline and projections of greenhouse gases in Colombia.

  • Synthesis on demand-led research agenda to enhance the resilience of climate-vulnerable households in Latin America

  • Annual Monitoring Report 2020: Olopa Climate Smart Village in Guatemala

  • Outcome Harvesting: Assessment of the transformations generated by Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees In Latin America

  • Competencies for Climate Risk Management: Operationalizing Climate-Smart Agriculture

  • Latin America Climate-Smart Villages AR4D sites: 2019 Inventory

  • Risk maps:

  • Workshop report: Nitrogen fertilization, baseline and projections of greenhouse gases in Colombia (Spanish).

  • A Manual for the Implementation of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices. Experiences of the Climate-Smart Villages in Guatemala and Honduras.

  • Risk maps: "Polilla" pest in Bolivia.

  • Gender approach of the Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy (EASAC) for the SICA region: Key actions to implement the Gender strategic line.

  • Monitoring of Gender-Sensitive Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices: Follow-up of their adoption and impacts in the CSV Santa Rita 2019.

  • Cultivando para Ganar - Choice Game for climate action

  • Monitoring Gender-Sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices: Follow-up on their adoption and impacts in the CSV Olopa 2019.

  • Science effectively informs policy processes in Colombia toward low-emission agriculture: Reflections on the process of incorporating EC-LEDS research results into national low-carbon policies in agriculture

  • Roadmap of key actions to implement the gender approach of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Strategy (EASAC) of the SICA region

  • Risk maps: a tool for decision-making in pest control in the face of climate change

  • Risk maps: "Polilla" and "Bactericera cockerelli" pests in Ecuador.

  • Results/outcome based on building capacity process on the CSV approach in Guatemala

  • Results and learnings from the project "Climate-Smart Agriculture: Generating synergies between local and scientific knowledge to achieve resilience and adaptive capacity in the high Andes"

  • ILCYM Manual

  • Annual Monitoring Report 2020: Santa Rita Climate Smart Village in Honduras

  • Latin America Climate- Smart Villages AR4D sites: 2020 Inventory