
Stimulating adoption of nutrition sensitive climate smart agriculture by aligning national level agenda with implementation

The project seeks to support the governments of Uganda and Ethiopia with scientific evidence to support policy action for climate smart agriculture and to align this with nutrition and gender sensitive needs. Research activities will include: (i) understanding the initiatives that the governments and non-state actors have been employing to address food and nutrition insecurity and the institutional infrastructure in place and align this with previous CCAFS work on mainstreaming climate change in policy; (ii) mapping out nutritional needs, opportunities and constraints of men, women and youth along the systems pathway based on the impact of climate change on their livelihoods; (iii) identifying pathways for scaling nutrition sensitive technologies taking into consideration the threat of climate change; (iv) conducting participatory policy analysis with farming communities and scenario-based land use planning to inform climate adaptation priorities and nutrition/gender at district level.

Project Activities

Tools for carrying out the situation analysis survey in Uganda and Ethiopia will be jointly developed

The projects will through engagement actions at national and local administrative levels use evidence generated from the three activities of situation analysis, scenario development and identifying pathways for scaling nutrition-based technologies to engage the policy makers and other stakeholders. The engagement will contribute the following outcomes:
(i)Policy decision makers appreciate the importance of nutrition sensitive and climate resilient policy development and implementation; which translates into adoption of and investment in policies that are nutrition sensitive and climate resilient; (ii) Local adaptation planning is gender responsive and nutrition sensitive
(iii) Extension workers adopt use of tools and methodologies that facilitate nutrition sensitive adaptation delivery mechanisms;
(iv) Men, women and youth adopt CSA options that have potential to improve food and nutrition security as well as their livelihoods.

Situation analysis data sets for Uganda will be analyzed and manuscripts written

Situation analysis data for Ethiopia analyzed and manuscripts written

In the final year of the project, external consultancy services will be sought to perform an outcome study

Local food and nutrition security scenarios will be built and recommendations under different scenarios given

High level policy makers at the national level will be engaged to influence policy and budget changes based on the research findings. some of the targeted policy makers include parliamentarians and concerned ministries in the two countries.

FGDs and KII will be conducted in the northern Uganda districts of Kitgum, Oyam Amolatar, Otuke, Lira, Pader and Napak to help in developing a basket of CSA options for the different communities in the districts.

This activity works in partnership with Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) with CIAT as the key Ethiopian national partner for engagement and on-the-ground implementation. The aLive Project, funded by BMGF, ultimately aims to develop a comprehensive strategy for the design of a livestock information system for Ethiopia, address data gaps, deliver an end-to-end software for animal genetics, which can be used to better target livestock breeds. CIAT will lead on coordination and organization of country stakeholders, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the project in Ethiopia.

Work with key partners to mainstream climate and agricultural risk profiling into priority programs in Ethiopia and other countries, such as the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), AGRA, and other major programs and policies. This activity will also conduct outcome harvesting of climate risk profiling in Kenya to bring lessons learned for how this approach can lead to outcomes for county level policy and planning.

Project Deliverables