Climate resilient farmer field schools handbook
The CRAFT project developed this climate-resilient farmer field school Guidebook and associated crop-specific curricula to
improve farming practices for selected climate-resilient value chains and agribusinesses supported by CRAFT. The Guidebook
was prepared as a cumulative output of a series of Training of Trainers’ sessions conducted between July and December 2019
for trainers drawn from different cooperatives, SMEs and extension workers – both public and private, working under varied
conditions and contexts. The purpose of the assignment was to provide training services (i.e. Training of Trainers (ToT); and
Master Trainers (MToT) on Climate Resilient Farmer Field School (CR-FFS) methodology. Using the FFS approach, with an
additional climate field school module, the training focused on integrating climate-resilient agricultural practices in selected
value chains, i.e. climate resilient farmer field school (CR-FFS) and build capacity of trainers on the basics of facilitating
interactive learning sessions.
p’Rajom MO, Oroma GW, Osumba J, Recha J. 2020. Climate resilient farmer field schools handbook. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security.