
CSA calculator Manual: Assessing the climate-smartness of technical options at farm level

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The CSA-Farm Calculator tool was developed as part of the CSA Multilevel Monitoring Framework implemented in the context of the Learning Platform Participatory evaluation of Climate-Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and technologies across the AR4D Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) network. It builds on a farm model included in the GeoFarmer app allowing the prospective assessment of farm performance in response to the implementation of different CSA practices/packages and other farming management activities in terms of productivity, adaptive capacity, and mitigation potential (in other words the “climate-smartness” of the farm) and specifically looking at synergies and trade-offs.


Andrieu N, Bonilla-Findji O, Feil C, Eitzinger A. 2021. CSA calculator Manual: Assessing the climate-smartness of technical options at farm level. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Andrieu, Nadine
  • Bonilla Findji, Osana
  • Feil, Christian
  • Eitzinger, Anton