
Rice cultivation ambition in the new and updated Nationally Determined Contributions: 2020-2021: Analysis of agricultural sub-sectors in countries’ climate change strategies

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The share of countries that referenced rice cultivation actions in new and updated NDCs has increased since the previous round of NDCs.

Among the top 10 countries with the highest mitigation potential for rice cultivation, 4 countries mentioned rice mitigation actions.

Seventeen countries quantified measures for rice cultivation in their new and updated NDCs, for the first time.

14% of the countries that have signed the US- EU Methane Reduction Pledge have rice mitigation actions in their NDC (15 countries out of 105).

A number of countries mentioned limitations in GHG measurement and inventory as well as methods and data for calculating mitigation potential of different actions in rice, leading to the lack of specifying tangible actions and indicators in the rice sub-sector.

16% of countries included rice-specific mitigation actions (11 countries specified mitigation only and 13 specified combined mitigation and adaptation for a total of 24 out of 148) in new and updated NDCs compared to 9% of previous NDCs (18 out of 192).

3% specified only rice-specific adaptation actions in new and updated NDCs (5 out of 148) compared to only 0.5% in the previous round of NDCs (1 out of 192 countries).

50% of the countries mentioning rice mitigation actions prioritized water management (12 of 24 countries), 33% mentioned rice management packages (8), 33% mentioned land use management (8), and 33% mentioned by-product and residue management (8).

56% of countries mentioning adaptation actions in rice prioritized water management (10 of 18 countries), 33% mentioned System of Rice Intensification (SRI) (6), and 33% mentioned variety development (6).


Hong TV, Nelson KM, Rose S, Khatri-Chhetri A, Wollenbeg E, Sander BO. 2021. Rice cultivation ambition in the new and updated Nationally Determined Contributions: 2020-2021: Analysis of agricultural sub-sectors in countries’ climate change strategies. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Hong, Trang Vu
  • Nelson, Katherine M.
  • Rose, Sabrina
  • Khatri-Chhetri, Arun
  • Wollenberg, Eva K.
  • Sander, Bjoern Ole