Sex-disaggregated data on CSA in CCAFS publications | South America

The inclusion of gender analysis and the collection of sex-disaggregated data in agriculture research can improve food security and increase productivity and incomes.

This list includes a selection of CCAFS publication with sex-disaggregated data on climate-smart agriculture in South America.

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South America

  1. Argentina
  2. Bolivia
  3. Colombia
  4. Ecuador
  5. Peru

Click on the name of a country above to jump to that section.


CSA Country Profiles for Latin America Series: Argentina
  • Topics: Quantitative
  • Data type: Global data



On farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change
  • Topics: Climate adaptation/CSA
  • Data type: Qualitative



Gender Dynamics in the Adoption of Climate Adaptation Practices: A Case Study in the Cauca Department of Colombia
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Ownerships, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation, Decision making, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Gender [im]balance in productive and reproductive labor among livestock producers in Colombia: Implications for climate change responses
  • Topics: Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Consideraciones de género en la agricultura y en la implementación y mantenimiento de prácticas climáticamente inteligentes: un caso de estudio en el Departamento del Cauca, Colombia
  • Topics: Ownerships, Climate change impacts, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation, Factors/ motivations to change, Negative perceptions/give up on adaptation strategies/CSA, Decision making, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Quantitative and Qualitative


Avances en la inclusión de intereses y necesidades de mujeres rurales en políticas públicas agropecuarias y de cambio climático: el caso de Colombia
  • Topics: Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia
  • Topics: Ownerships, Climate change impacts, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Climate adaptation/CSA, Negative perceptions/give up on adaptation strategies/CSA, Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads, Participants by gender
  • Data type: Quantitative and Qualitative


Local-level appraisal of benefits and barriers affecting adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices: Curití, Colombia
  • Topics: Access to resources, Factors/ motivations to change, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


Village Baseline Study – Site Analysis Report for Cauca – Cerrillos, Colombia (CO01)
  • Topics: Ownerships, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


Evaluación de la efectividad de los métodos participativos en estimar vulnerabilidad al cambio climático en Colombia
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Climate change impacts, Access to resources, Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Climate Change, Agriculture, & Gender Dynamics: A Case Study of Campesinos in the Piedras River Watershed
  • Topics: Decision making, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Gender Dynamics in the Adoption of Climate Adaptation Practices: A Case Study in the Cauca Department of Colombia
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Ownerships, Climate change impacts, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation, Decision making, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


CSA Country Profiles for Latin America Series: Colombia
  • Topics: Global data
  • Data type: Quantitative


Reconociendo a las mujeres del arroz en Colombia: Un paso para las tecnologías de mitigación al cambio climático. Resultados de un estudio socioeconómico con perspectiva de género
  • Topics: Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Decision making, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative



Quien toma las decisions agricolas? Mujeres propietarias en el Ecuador. Who makes agricultural decisions? Women Landowners in Ecuador
  • Topics: Ownerships
  • Data type: Qualitative



Género y Agricultura en el Perú: Inclusión de intereses y necesidades de hombres y mujeres en la formulación de políticas públicas
  • Topics: Access to climate services, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Quantitative


CSA Country Profiles for Latin America Series: Peru
  • Topics: Global data
  • Data type: Quantitative


Photo: Neil Palmer