Sex-disaggregated data on CSA in CCAFS publications | South Asia

The inclusion of gender analysis and the collection of sex-disaggregated data in agriculture research can improve food security and increase productivity and incomes.

This list includes a selection of CCAFS publication with sex-disaggregated data on climate-smart agriculture in South Asia.

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South Asia

  1. Bangladesh
  2. India
  3. Nepal
  4. Sri Lanka

Click on the name of a country above to jump to that section.


Participatory gender-sensitive approaches for addressing key climate change-related research issues: Evidence from Bangladesh, Ghana, and Uganda
  • Topics: Global data, Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Gender patterns in mobility, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Understanding Adaptive Capacity: Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security in Coastal Bangladesh
  • Topics: Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Global summary of baseline household survey results
  • Topics: Access to climate services
  • Data type: Qualitative


Participatory Action Research on Climate Risk Management, Bangladesh
  • Topics: Climate change impacts, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


CCAFS Baseline Survey Indicators for Bagerhat/Morrelganj, Bangladesh
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Factors/ motivations to change, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative


A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Ganges River Basin: lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal
  • Topics: Global data, Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Gender associated farming, including workloads, Migration
  • Data type: Qualitative


Connecting women, connecting men: How communities and organizations interact to strengthen adaptive capacity and food security in the face of climate change
  • Topics: Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


Microinsurance Decisions: Gendered Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
  • Topics: Insurance
  • Data type: Qualitative


Understanding gender dimensions of agriculture and climate change in smallholder farming communities
  • Topics: Ownerships
  • Data type: Qualitative



Gender Dimensions on Farmers’ Preferences for Direct-Seeded Rice with Drum Seeder in India
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Climate adaptation/CSA, Women’s empowerment, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Quantitative and Qualitative


Assessment of India’s integrated agrometeorological advisory service from a farmer perspective
  • Topics: Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services
  • Data type: Qualitative


Global summary of baseline household survey results
  • Topics: Access to climate services
  • Data type: Qualitative


CCAFS Baseline Survey Indicators for Haryana/Karnal, India
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Factors/ motivations to change, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative


CCAFS Baseline Survey Indicators for Bihar/Vaishali, India
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Factors/ motivations to change, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative


Summary of baseline household survey results: Karnal, Harayana State, India
  • Topics: Access to climate services, Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Ganges River Basin: lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal
  • Topics: Global data, Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Gender associated farming, including workloads, Migration
  • Data type: Qualitative


Connecting women, connecting men: How communities and organizations interact to strengthen adaptive capacity and food security in the face of climate change
  • Topics: Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


Role of mobile phone-enabled climate information services in gender-inclusive agriculture
  • Topics: Access to climate services
  • Data type: Qualitative


Climate change, gender and adaptation strategies in dryland systems of South Asia: a household level analysis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan states of India
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Ownerships, Climate change impacts, Climate adaptation/CSA, Decision making
  • Data type: Qualitative


The diversity of gendered adaptation strategies to climate change of Indian farmers: a feminist intersectional approach
  • Topics: Climate adaptation/CSA
  • Data type: Qualitative


Woman in agriculture, and climate risks: hotspots for development
  • Topics: Socio-economic characteristics, Climate change impacts, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Gender patterns in mobility, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative


Integrating Gender into the Climate-Smart Village Approach of Scaling out Adaptation Options in Agriculture
  • Topics: Climate change impacts, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Access to climate services, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation, Decision making, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Participants by gender
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative


CCAFS Climate Smart Agriculture Learning Platform, South Asia, September 2017
  • Topics: Climate change impacts, Knowledge/Awareness/ preferences of climate change/adaptation strategies/CSA, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation, Decision making, Women’s empowerment, Migration
  • Data type: Qualitative and quantitative



Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Rupandehi, Nepal
  • Topics: Gender-associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Rupandehi, Madhuri Village, Nepal (NE0336)
  • Topics: Ownerships, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


Gender roles and greenhouse gas emissions in intensified agricultural systems in the mid-hills of Nepal
  • Topics: Decision making, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Rupandehi, Madhuri Village, Nepal
  • Topics: Ownerships, Access to climate services, Access to resources, Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative


A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Ganges River Basin: lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal
  • Topics: Global data, Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Gender associated farming, including workloads, Migration
  • Data type: Qualitative


Connecting women, connecting men: How communities and organizations interact to strengthen adaptive capacity and food security in the face of climate change
  • Topics: Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements
  • Data type: Qualitative



Improving water productivity, reducing poverty and enhancing equity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin
  • Topics: Decision making, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Photo: Prashanth Vishwanathan