Sex-disaggregated data on CSA in CCAFS publications | Southern Africa

The inclusion of gender analysis and the collection of sex-disaggregated data in agriculture research can improve food security and increase productivity and incomes.

This list includes a selection of CCAFS publication with sex-disaggregated data on climate-smart agriculture in Southern Africa.

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Southern Africa

  1. Malawi
  2. Mozambique
  3. South Africa
  4. Zambia
  5. Zimbabwe

Click on the name of a country above to jump to that section.


Delivering climate services for farmers and pastoralists through interactive radio: scoping report for the GFCS Adaptation Programme in Africa
  • Topics: Ownerships, Access to climate services
  • Data type: Qualitative


Smallholder farmers and climate smart agriculture: Technology and labor-productivity constraints amongst women smallholders in Malawi
  • Topics: Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Evidence-based scaling-up of evergreen agriculture for increasing crop productivity, fodder supply and resilience of the maize-mixed and agro-pastoral farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi
  • Topics: Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative and Quantitative



Coping strategies and vulnerability to climate change of households in Mozambique
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Climate change impacts, Climate adaptation/CSA
  • Data type: Qualitative



Food and water security under global change: Developing adaptive capacity with a focus on rural Africa
  • Topics: Access to resources, Climate adaptation/CSA
  • Data type: Qualitative



Mapping gender preferences for tree and shrub forages
  • Topics: Access to resources, Attitude toward gender/gender roles- non-farm activities, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative



Guide de formation: recheche sur le genre et les changements climatiques dans l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire pur le développement rural
  • Topics: Involvement in communities / Institutional access and arrangements, Gender associated farming, including workloads
  • Data type: Qualitative


Ex-post Impact Assessment of Fertilizer Microdosing as a Climate-Smart Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Topics: Respondents characteristics - including household characteristics, Climate adaptation/CSA, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation
  • Data type: Quantitative and Qualitative


In-situ water harvesting technologies in semi-arid southern Zimbabwe: Part II. The role of socio-economic factors on performance in Gwanda district
  • Topics: Access to resources, Results of climate adaptation/CSA implementation
  • Data type: Qualitative


Photo: Isabel Corthier