
The CGIAR International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) are coordinating a side event at the upcoming Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) UNFCCC climate change conference in Bonn, Germany.

National adaptation plans (NAPs) provide an important means for countries to define strategic responses to climate change over the medium- to long-term, for food security, livelihood, and development purposes. Agriculture is especially important component of NAPs for developing countries, as it is a significant contributor to GDP and employment. 

This side event features the release of the CCAFS policy brief No. 9 “Climate adaptation and agriculture: Solutions to successful national adaptation plans,” and a panel discussion of research, policy and finance needs as countries implement national adaptation planning (NAP) processes.   

The event builds upon a 10-country workshop that CCAFS held in November in Warsaw, and assessment of Party submissions to Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) in March, 2014, and provides recommendations for national delegates and SBI.


Chair: James Kinyangi, East Africa Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

Presentation on brief: Gabrielle Kissinger, Lexeme Consulting

David Kaluba, Zambia Ministry of Finance and Member of the Board, Green Climate Fund

Batu Krishna Upety, Least Developed Country Expert Group

Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNDP/GEF

Ricardo Gutiérrez, Director General of Environmental Affairs, Peru Ministry of Agriculture and irrigation

Jan Verhagen, Wageningen University and LEG Secretariat

David Howlett of the UK Department for International Development

Partners:  CIAT-CCAFS, LDC Expert Group (LEG), LEG Secretariat, UNDP/GEF

Starting in June, you can get updates from SBSTA on our blog.