
4th Annual Progress Reporting and Coordination Meeting on CCAFS Projects and Climate-Smart Village Implementation in Southeast Asia

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As we are now in the second phase of CCAFS, the highlight of this annual meeting is on refocusing our R4D framework and revisiting our program’s targets. With the goal of addressing the challenges and opportunities in the region, CCAFS SEA envisions to converge the activities of its four R4D flagships in the CSVs towards an integrated set of activities and interventions. Through the presentations of significant outputs and outcomes and the discussions on gap and opportunities, CCAFS SEA will be guided towards a more integrative and effective program implementation.

Specific objectives

The one-day meeting will cover the following specific objectives:

  1. Report on the progress of activities in the CSV sites and on CCAFS project implementation in 2018;
  2. Identify the significant outputs and outcomes of FP/CSV implementation; and
  3. Share knowledge, learning, and experiences across CSVs and projects.

Workshop agenda

Plenary Session 1: Flagship Projects on Climate-Smart Technologies and Practices

  • Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and resilient livelihoods in CSVs of Southeast Asia (Including progress reporting of Ma CSV & AMIA)
  • Generating evidence base for upscaling local adaptation through Climate-Smart Agriculture (Including progress reporting of My Loi and Guinayangan CSV)
  • CSVs in the Mekong Basin: Defining an Innovative and Comprehensive Approach for Catalyzing Roll-out of Large-scale Adoption (Including reporting of Rohal Suong, Ekxang, Pailom, and Tra Hat CSV)

Plenary Session 2: Flagship Projects on Low Emissions Development and Climate information services and climate-informed safety nets

  • Assessing incentives for scaling up mitigation at different stakeholder levels: 'No-regret‘ mitigation strategies in rice production and the  Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
  • Development of LED investment plan for rice
  • Sustainable intensification of dairy production in Indonesia
  • Enhancing adaptive capacity of women and ethnic minority smallholder farmers through improved agro-climate information in Southeast Asia
  • Institutional Responses during El Niño Southern Oscillation in the Philippines and Vietnam

Regional Projects (Breakout Session 1)

  • Challenges and opportunities for creating a climate-smart food system in the Philippines and Vietnam
  • The Asia Climate Policy Hub: Developments and strategy in Southeast Asia
  • Assessment of the impacts of climate change on human health and nutrition
  • Adaptation Options for Rice-Based Cropping Systems in Climate Risk-Prone Provinces in the Mekong River Delta
  • Development of climate-related risks maps and adaptation plans (CS MAP) for rice production in the Mekong River Delta
  • Preliminary Estimates of Large Ruminant Enteric Methane emissions in Northern Vietnam
  • The Gendered contributions to mitigation (GeMi) in coffee-based agroforestry systems

Regional Projects (Breakout Session 2)

  • Identifying CSA for different provinces in Vietnam and developing the CSV regulations for Ma CSV
  • Pest smart: Strengthening ecosystem health and building resilience of Climate Smart Villages
  • Development of training materials on climate-smart rice production for extension staff and rice farmers
  • Factors affecting farmer adoption of climate-smart aquaculture in Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
  • CSV Roving Workshop: Developing climate-smart farmers using knowledge-sharing and on-site learning approaches
  • Radio broadcasting campaign on CSA in the Philippines
  • The radio-based distance learning (school-on-the-air) on CS rice production

Closing Plenary Session

  • Launching of publications
  • Updates on future projects’ focus (2019 call)
  • Closing Program