
To step up to this challenge, it is important to ignite actions at scale that counter FLW.
Early warning systems, regulation and incentives for reducing food waste, recycling and upcycling waste, and creating awareness are key mechanisms for reducing food waste. Between these mechanisms it becomes clear that both science and public movements are important vehicles through which reduced FLW can be achieved.
This session will bring representatives from science and public movements to share their experience, to enable participants to take action to step up to the challenge.

Opening & Closing speaker:

Bruce Campbell, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)


Gabriela Burian, Global Lead for Sustainable Food Systems, Bayer Crop Science


Hans Hoogeveen, Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Organisations for Food and Agriculture


Heike AxmannSenior Scientist, Agro-Supply Chain and Agro-Logistics, Wageningen University and Research (WUR)

Keynote presenter:

Jan Broeze, Scientist, Wageningen University and Research (WUR)

Hosted from: Wageningen, Netherlands
Local time: 13:00 – 13:45 CEST

The event will be livestreamed on our website, watch here.

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