Reporting climate change, agriculture and food security: challenges and opportunities for the Philippine media

The media is a powerful partner in engaging key stakeholders, influencing their behaviors and mobilizing them to initiate collective action along climate change mitigation and adaptation.
CCAFS-SEA is conducting an inter-Center media seminar-workshop for key Philippine journalists and media professionals as part of the collective engagement and communication plan that it has recently mapped out, together with other CG Centres and partners.
Aside from being a source of timely information and a vehicle of social engagement and mobilization, we recognize the important role of media as an amplifying voice of the public in articulating climate change issues and concerns that can help influence and mobilize policy-makers, national and local government officials, change agents and international development organizations.
Thus, this media workshop puts premium on the need for media practitioners to have an accurate and science-based understanding of climate change, agriculture and food security issues to enhance their skills on environmental reporting.
A first of a series, the same activity will be organized in the focus countries of CCAFS-SEA namely, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar.