CCAFS @ Climate Week NYC | Transforming rural livelihoods through effective climate services

Together with the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), CCAFS is organizing a public seminar on climate services and collaboration.
This is a public seminar organized by the CCAFS Flagship on Climate Services and Safety Nets and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University to coincide with Climate Week NYC, to highlight past and future development impacts enabled by synergies between IRI climate science and CGIAR agricultural science.
About the event
Registration for this event is required via this website.
The UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, which will be held at the beginning of the UN Climate Week NYC, will focus on eight key action areas, one of which is resilience and adaptation. As decision makers seek solutions to raise ambition for enhancing resilience and adapting to climate change, a key opportunity in the context of rural livelihoods is better climate services. Rural communities are often at the frontline of climate variability and change, and climate services can enable these communities to make better farming decisions. Climate information can be bundled with information on best practices and markets to incentivize adoption of climate-smart technologies and practices, thus better preparing farming communities to face climate risks, while also moving towards sustainable and prosperous development pathways.
The most successful models of climate services are built upon partnerships between government, NGOs, and private sector organizations. They engage farmers through participatory processes (usually built upon national agricultural extension services), through ICT-based services, and through various communications and media outlets. This multi-faceted approach to service delivery is being successfully implemented in a growing number of countries, and now offers enormous potential for being scaled up throughout the Global South. This has been the focus of the collaborative work of IRI and CCAFS over the past decade.
Since IRI first collaborated in formulating CCAFS, the partnership has enabled advances in climate services and climate risk management for smallholder agriculture in the developing world, which neither IRI nor CCAFS could have achieved independently. This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss what has been accomplished through the partnership as well as how emerging IRI and CCAFS activities might help raise ambition for actions to enhance resilience and adaptation announced at the Climate Action Summit. We will explore opportunities to deepen the partnership and enhance its impact for rural communities at the frontline of climate change.
Description | Speakers | Time |
Welcome | Kenneth Prewitt, Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Columbia University | 13:30–13:40 |
Setting the Scene (including Q and A)
Converging insecurities (food, water, energy) amplified by climate: Implications for knowledge, innovation systems and policy
| Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) | 13:40–14:00 |
What has the partnership achieved that neither the agricultural nor the climate research communities could have achieved independently? (including Q and A) | Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Head of Global Policy Research, CCAFS James W. Hansen, Senior Research Scientist, IRI | 14:00–14:40 |
What opportunities are emerging for agricultural and climate science to transform the livelihoods of smallholder farmers? (including Q and A)
| Philip Thornton, Flagship Leader, CCAFS Lisa Goddard, Director, IRI | 14:40–15:20 |
Panel Discussion: What are the emerging opportunities for climate services to transform rural livelihoods? | Moderated by: Ruben G. Echeverría, Director General, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Speakers: Paul Desanker, Manager, National Adaptation Plans and Policy Adaptation Programme, United Nations Arame Tall, Senior Climate Change Specialist, World Bank Group Gernot Laganda (TBC), Chief, Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes, World Food Programme | 15:20–16:20 |
Wrap Up | Walter Baethgen, Senior Research Scientist, IRI | 16:20–16:30 |
Reception |
| 16:30–17:30 |
CCAFS is hosting this event together with the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI).
For further information or to RSVP, please contact Alison Rose at
This event page provides details for one of the four events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during the UN Climate Week in New York City (23–29 September, 2019). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.