
Lunch lecture & webinar: Bridging the gap between science and policy in Latin America

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CCAFS' Ana Maria Loboguerrero will be presenting success stories on bridging the gap between science and policy at a lunch lecture at Wageningen University & Research.



Latin American countries are highly vulnerable to climate change due to their socioeconomic, geographic and institutional characteristics. Particularly, the agricultural sector presents high sensibility to climate variations; and also the region faces important potential losses in biodiversity and human lives due to extreme climate events. Most of the impacts of climate variability have been in Mesoamerica and some along the Andes. These economies present a wide agricultural sector and crop variety.

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Although efforts have been made to strengthen the national institutions' capacity, there is a gap in relation to climate change and agriculture as per other priorities. ​Planning and formulation processes lack prospective and future planning tools and effective gender integration. Furthermore, the​ articulation among actors and the inclusion of different types of knowledge, such as scientific, local and traditional knowledge is limited.​ There is also insufficient appropriate data to inform mitigation targets.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has been working in Latin America for years now. The CCAFS Latin America program has successfully engaged in the region to inform policy processes using science-based evidence and to promote the implementation of those policies.
During the lunch lecture at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Ana Maria Loboguerrero, CCAFS Head of Global Policy Research, will demonstrate CCAFS' engagement strategy, the science used, and the outcomes achieved through three successful case studies. 
