Lini Wollenberg
Lini is the Flagship Leader for Low Emissions Development for CCAFS and Research Professor at the Gund Institute for Environment and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. She was previously the Director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture at the University of Vermont (2007–2009); Principle Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (1994–2005); and Program Officer for Asia’s Rural Poverty and Resources Program at the Ford Foundation (1991–1994). Lini is a member of the Forest, Trees and Livelihoods and Frontiers’ Climate-Smart Food Systems editorial boards.
Lini’s areas of expertise include climate change mitigation, local governance, environment and rural livelihoods, community-based forest management, participatory action research and adaptive collaborative management. She conducted field research primarily in Asia, especially Indonesian Borneo.
Lini has produced over 81 peer-reviewed publications. She received her B.S. (1980), MSc (1986) and PhD (1991) degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Some recent publications
Subbarao G, Arango J, Masahiro K, Hooper AM, Yoshihashi T, Ando Y, Nakahara K, Deshpande S, Ortiz-Monasterio I, Ishitani M, Peters M, Chirinda N, Wollenberg E, Lata JC, Gerard B, Tobita S, Rao I, Braun HJ, Kommerell V, Tohme J, Iwanaga M. 2017. Genetic mitigation strategies to tackle agricultural GHG emissions: The case for biological nitrification inhibition technology. Plant Science. 1-4 p.
Wollenberg E, Richards M, Smith P, Havlík P, Obersteiner M, Tubiello FN, Herold M, Gerber P, Carter S, Reisinger A, van Vuuren D, Dickie A, Neufeldt H, Sander BO, Wassman R, Sommer R, Amonette JE, Falcucci A, Herrero M, Opio C, Roman-Cuesta R, Stehfest E, Westhoek H, Ortiz-Monasterio I, Sapkota T, Rufino MC, Thornton PK, Verchot L, West PC, Soussana JF, Baedeker T, Sadler M, Vermeulen S, Campbell BM. 2016. Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2°C target. Global Change Biology.
Rosenstock TS, Rufino MC, Butterbach-Bahl K, Wollenberg E, Richards M, (Eds.). 2016. Methods for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Balances and Evaluating Mitigation Options in Smallholder Agriculture. SpringerNature.
Campbell BM, Vermeulen SJ, Aggarwal PK, Corner-Dolloff C, Girvetz E, Loboguerrero, AM, Ramirez-Villegas J, Rosenstock T, Sebastian L, Thornton P, Wollenberg E. 2016. Reducing risks to food security from climate change. Global Food Security. doi:10.1016/j.gfs.2016.06.002.
Lee J, Ingalls M, Erickson JD, Wollenberg E. 2016. Bridging organizations in agricultural carbon markets and poverty alleviation: An analysis of pro-poor carbon market projects in East Africa. Global Environmental Change 39:98-107.
Richards MB, Metzel R, Chirinda N, Ly P, Nyamadzawo G, Vu QD, de Neergaard A, Oelofse M, Wollenberg E, Keller E, Malin D, Olesen JE, Hillier J, Rosenstock TS. 2016. Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N20 and CH4 fluxes in tropical agriculture. Scientific Reports 6.
Sheil D, Cohen J, Colfer C, Price D, Puri R, Ruiz-Perez M, Sugandi Y, Vedeld P, Wollenberg E, Yasmi Y. 2016. The moral basis for conservation – reflections on Dickman et al. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 67–69.
Lee J, Martin A, Kristjanson P, Wollenberg E. 2015. Implications on equity in agricultural carbon market projects: a gendered analysis of access, decision making, and outcomes. Environment and Planning A, 47, 2080-2096.
Agrawal A, Wollenberg E, Persha L. 2014. Governing Mitigation in Agriculture Forest Landscapes. Lead article of special issue. Global Environmental Change 29:270-280.
Ogle SM, Olander L, Wollenberg E, Rosenstock T, Tubiello F, Paustian K, Buendia L, Nihart A, Smith P. 2014. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting agricultural management for climate change in developing countries: providing the basis for action. Global Change Biology 20:1–6.
Olander L, Wollenberg E, Tubiello F, Herold M. 2014. Synthesis: the status and potential for improved agricultural greenhouse gas quantification. Environmental Research Letters 9:075003.
Steenwerth KL, Hodson AK, Bloom AJ, Carter MR, Cattaneo A, Chartres CJ, Hatfield JL, Henry K, Hopmans JW, Horwath WR, Jenkins BM, Kebreab E, Leemans R, Lipper L, Lubell MN, Msangi S, Prabhu R, Reynolds MP, Solis SS, Sischo WM, Springborn M, Tittonell P, Wheeler SM, Vermeulen SJ, Wollenberg EK, Jarvis LS, Jackson LE. 2014. Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action. Agriculture and Food Security 3:11.
Edmunds D, Sasser J, Wollenberg E. 2013. A gender strategy for pro-poor climate change mitigation. CCAFS Working Paper no. 36. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Foster K, Neufeldt H, Franks P, Diro R, Munden L, Anand M, Wollenberg E. 2013. Climate finance for agriculture and livelihoods. ICRAF Policy Brief.
Harvey, CA, Chacón M, Donatti C, Garen E, Hannah L, Andrade A, Bede L, Brown D, Calle A, Chará J, Clement C, Gray E, Minh HH, Minang P, Rodríguez A, Seeberg-Elverfeldt C, Semroc B, Shames S, Smukler S, Somarriba E, Torquebiau E, van Etten J, Wollenber E. 2013. Climate-smart Landscapes: Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation in Tropical Agriculture. Conservation Letters 7(2):77-90.
Neufeldt H, Jahn M, Campbell C, Beddington JR, DeClerck F, De Pinto A, Hellin J, Herrero M, Jarvis A, LeZaks D, Holger M, Rosenstock T, Scholes M, Scholes R, Vermeulen S, Wollenberg E, Zougmoré R. 2013. Beyond climate-smart agriculture – toward safe operating spaces for global food systems. Agriculture and Food Security 2(12).
Newton P, Agrawal A, Wollenberg E. 2013. Enhancing the sustainability of commodity supply chains in tropical forest and agricultural landscapes. Global Environmental Change 23:1761-1772.
Newton P, Agrawal A, Wollenberg E. 2013. Interventions for achieving sustainability in tropical forest and agricultural landscapes. CAPRi Working Paper no. 110. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Olander L, Wollenberg E, Tubiello F, Herold M. 2013. Advancing agricultural greenhouse gas quantification. Environmental Research Letters 8(1):011002.
Wollenberg E, Higman S, Seeberg-Elverfeldt C, Neely C, Tapio-Bistrom ML, Neufeldt H. 2012. Helping smallholder farmers mitigate climate change. CCAFS Policy Brief 5. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Wollenberg E, Herrero M, Wassmann R, Neufeldt H, Vermeulen S, Rosswall T, Campbell B, Hellin J, Jarvis A, Challinor A, Snook L, Smakhtin V, Kinyangi J. 2012. CCAFS Working Paper 29. Setting the agenda: climate change adaptation and mitigation for food systems in the developing world. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Jarvis A, Lau C, Cook S, Wollenberg E, Hansen J, Bonilla O, Challinor A. 2011. An integrated adaptation and mitigation framework for developing agricultural research: synergies and trade-offs. Experimental Agriculture 47(2):185-203.
Negra C, Wollenberg E. 2011. Lessons from REDD+ for agriculture. CCAFS Report No. 4. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Negra C, Wollenberg E. 2011. Lessons from REDD: Advancing agriculture in the UNFCCC. Carbon Management 2(2):161-173.
Vermeulen S, Zougmore R, Wollenberg E, Thornton P, Nelson G, Kristjanson P, Kinyangi J, Jarvis A, Hansen J, Challinor A, Campbell B, Aggarwal P. 2011. Climate change, agriculture and food security: a global partnership to link research and action for low-income agricultural producers and consumers. Current Opinions in Sustainability 4:1-6.
Vermeulen SJ, Aggarwal PK, Ainslie A, Angelone C, Campbell BM, Challinor AJ, Hansen JW, Ingram JSI, Jarvis A, Kristjanson P, Lau C, Nelson GC, Thornton PK, Wollenberg E. 2011. Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change. Environmental Science & Policy 15(1):136-144.
Vermeulen SJ, Wollenberg E. 2011. Benefits of tropical crops for food security. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(9):E30.
Wollenberg E, Campbell BM, Holmgren P, Seymour F, Sibanda L, von Braun J. 2011. Actions needed to halt deforestation and promote climate smart agriculture. CCAFS Policy Brief no. 4. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Wollenberg E, Negra C. 2011. Next Steps for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture. CCAFS Policy Brief no. 2. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Springate-Baginski O, Wollenberg E, (Eds.). 2010. REDD, Forest Governance and Rural Livelihoods, The Emerging Agenda. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Armitage D, Plummer R, Berkes F, Arthur R, Charles A, Davidson-Hunt I, Diduck A, Doubleday N, Johnson D, Marschke M, McConney P, Pinkerton E, Wollenberg E. 2009. Adaptive co-management for social-ecological complexity. Journal of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(2):95-102.
Wollenberg E, Merino L, Agrawal A, Ostrom E. 2007. Fourteen years of monitoring community-managed forests: Learning from IFRI’s experience. Int. Forestry Review 9(2):670-684.
Wollenberg E, Iwan R, Limberg G, Moeliono M, Rhee S, Sudana M. 2007. Facilitating cooperation during times of chaos: Spontaneous orders and muddling through in Malinau District, Indonesia. J. of Ecology and Society 12(1):3.
Wollenberg E, Moeliono M, Limberg G, Iwan R, Rhee S, Sudana M. 2006. Between state and society: local governance of forests in Malinau, Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics 8(4):421-433.
Wollenberg E, Anderson J, Lopez C. 2005. Through all things differ: Pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Edmunds D, Wollenberg E, (Eds.). 2003. Local Forest Management: The Impacts of Devolution Policies. London: United Kingdom: Earthscan.
Edmunds D, Wollenberg E. 2001. A Strategic Approach to Multistakeholder Negotiations. Development and Change 32(2):231-253.
Wollenberg E, Edmunds D, Buck L. 2000. Anticipating Change: Scenarios as a Tool for Adaptive Forest Management. A Guide. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.