
A Climate Services Menu for SEA (CliSM): tackling scaling with a diversity of end users in the climate services value chains

CARE, ICRAF and CIAT have implemented different approaches for climate services (CS) across diverse rural livelihoods contexts providing a learning platform for understanding CS scaling opportunities in Vietnam and elsewhere.

Tentative bottlenecks and gaps have been identified in the CS-Value Chain (VC) of relevance for scaling. Scaling models need to be flexible to consider the heterogeneity of rural livelihoods and end-users? needs. Drawing on a set of new bilateral projects offers exquisite opportunities to fill strengthen links between national and subnational CS-VC. Furthermore, the case study sites offer three diverse contexts to develop and test the scaling framework.

By better understanding the effect of rural livelihoods heterogeneity (the end-users) and different field-tested approaches, the project aims at designing and implementing scalable CS. To do this, this the project will develop an analysis framework to characterize scaling pathways and approaches for CS-VC. The CS-scaling framework and lessons learned from the engagement and validation process across local-level implementation sites will result in (1) a methodology to assess and implement scaling pathways for CS-VC for decision-making institutions and practitioners of CS development, and (2) guideline for policy makers and implementors.

The process will be based on participatory approaches with national and sub-national level stakeholders across the CS-VC in Vietnam to support their engagement and ownership and will support the design of a strategy for potential scaling pathways of CS in Vietnam. The guidelines can potentially contribute to Vietnam's development of the Global Framework for Climate Services and the National Adaptation Plan.

Project Activities

Workshops with decision and policymakers to identify priorities for mainstreaming climate services (CS) into adaptation agenda and derive workplan to improve next-users roles across CS networks in Vietnam. CIAT with CCAFS-SEA and IRRI will facilitate the discussion with MARD-DCP and NCHMF with support from IRI to ensure timely access to weather and climate information (e.g. seasonal and monthly forecasts tailored to specific crops and regions). This includes the development of a digital platform (starting 2021) that link seasonal forecast with agro-advisories. ICRAF will provide training on Climate-Smart Agriculture, including CS for national extension officers in 20 provinces in Northern Vietnam in December. Two meetings with provincial authorities in Dien Bien and Lai Chau to identify needs and priorities of local government on climate information services were held in September. In December 2020, a technical session to discuss steps for developing guidelines for NFCS will be organized by CARE with IMHEN.

Develop and validate a participatory methodology to assess bottlenecks as well as drivers and dimensions of scaling CS. The developed methodology will draw on the Scaling Scan ( and be refined during a series of stakeholder consultation workshops and include the characterisation of (1) factors driving the heterogeneity of end-users (livelihoods, information access and use, gender, age, ethnic and other social differences) and the implication for scaling strategies for CS and (2) factors underlying the heterogeneity of end-users and implications for scaling strategies for CS

Analyze business cases across available study sites and stakeholder's consultations

Results synthesized and shared in stakeholder consultation workshop for feedback and inputs and policy recommendations generated

Project Deliverables