
The CCAFS-Mitigation Options Tool estimates greenhouse gas emissions from different land uses and considers mitigation practices that are compatible with food production to inform agricultural and climate change decisions.


The CCAFS Mitigation Options Tool (CCAFS-MOT) estimates greenhouse gas emissions from multiple crop and livestock management practices in different geographic regions, providing policy-makers across the globe access to reliable information needed to make science-informed decisions about emissions reductions from agriculture.

Access the guidelines and download the CCAFS-MOT in excel. This Beta version is ready to use!  It was most recently updated in October 2018. By design, the CCAFS-MOT is occasionally updated to include the most recent information in the sector and to improve functionality based on user feedback. 

CCAFS-MOT joins several empirical models to estimate GHG emissions from different land uses and considers mitigation practices that are compatible with food production. Several studies informed the mitigation potentials are used in the tool. Several GHG calculators now available calculate emissions from either single crops or whole farms. Unlike these agricultural calculators, CCAFS-MOT:

  • Ranks the most effective mitigation options for 34 different crops according to mitigation potential and in relation to current management practices and spatially-linked climate and soil characteristics.
  • Has low input data requirements – approximately 10 minutes needed.
  • Runs in Excel.
  • Is freely downloadable from the CCAFS website.


Readers interested in receiving a beta version by email, testing the tool or providing other feedback should contact Julianna White.


Researchers at the University of Aberdeen, in partnership with CCAFS, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Environment, are developing the tool. Lead researchers are: Diana FelicianoJon HillierDali Nayak and Sylvia Vetter