Scaling up climate-smart agriculture technologies and tools to benefit regional, national and community level end-users

Project description
In collaboration with local partners in West Africa, CCAFS has in a participatory manner used its CSV approach in testing and validating several agricultural interventions that simultaneously achieve the triple wins of climate-smart agriculture (CSA). With the growing evidence of success for some of the tested approaches and the demand for CSA in the region, we also initiate the scaling-up and adoption of proven CSA options by sustaining the national science-policy dialogue platforms for CSA mainstreaming into national policies and also generating knowledge that inform the implementation of countries' NDCs and NAPs. This project aims to engage with and provide support to regional and national partners to catalyze positive change towards CSA, food systems and landscapes, through bringing to scale practices, technologies, and institutions that enable agriculture to meet food security, adaptation and mitigation goals. Additionally, research is will be undertaken to address key gaps within the regional portfolio of projects.
Expected results
Scaling up the use of climate information services among millions of farmers will reduce climate risks for the agricultural sector in West Africa.
The project is led by the International for Crop Research Institute in the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in close collaboration with the West African CCAFS team and will be implemented in Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Niger and Burkina Faso.