

This event will seek to raise the bar for more collaborative, action-oriented research and innovation for food systems, driving transformations for people, nature and climate, in line with the COP26 campaign on Transforming Agricultural Innovation for People, Nature and Climate.

Looking at existing knowledge gaps and barriers to data access and dissemination, this event will show the path forward for collaborative, actionable, multi-level (global, national, local) research and innovation for food and climate systems. Speakers will discuss how to shift towards evidence-based decision making, policy assessment, progress monitoring, and support to research efforts for climate-smart food systems.

Agenda & Speakers

16:45-16:50Welcome and objectivesMaria Zuber, Vice President for Research, MIT
16:50-17:00Keynote: Co-designed solutions to a broken global food system

Pete Smith, Professor, Aberdeen University and Alliance for Food and Climate Systems

17:00-17:25Panel discussion

Moderator: Greg Sixt, Director, Alliance for Food and Climate Systems Transformation, MIT

Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Adviser and Head of Research and Evidence, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) (virtual)

Theo de Jager, President, World Farmers Organization

Diane Holdorf, Managing Director, Food & Nature, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

John Furlow, Director, International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University

Pete Smith, Professor, Aberdeen University and Alliance for Food and Climate Systems

17:25-17:55Q&A and interactive session with audienceGreg Sixt, Director, Alliance for Food and Climate Systems Transformation, MIT
17:55-18:00Final remarks and closingGreg Sixt, Director, Alliance for Food and Climate Systems Transformation, MIT


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Columbia University
  • American University of Beirut

Viewers with Blue Zone accreditation can watch and participate in the event's Q&A via the COP26 virtual platform. All other viewers can watch the event on the UNFCCC’s live webcast (link below). 

Watch live here

This event page provides details for one of the events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during COP26 (31 Oct–12 Nov 2021). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.