
Peru Cacao Alliance: Carbon sequestration as a co-benefit of cacao expansion


The agricultural development project, Peru
Cacao Alliance (PCA), has contributed to climate
change mitigation. Estimated carbon
sequestration from perennial crop expansion,
which was –211,467 tCO2e metric tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent per year, more than
offset increased greenhouse gas emission
(GHG) from fertilizer and pesticide management
(10,286 tCO2e). The net difference, –201,180
tCO2e, is equivalent to the carbon content of
465,774 barrels of oil.
 The agroforestry system promoted by PCA
included cacao and shade trees. Since PCA
could not provide definitive data detailing the
presence of existing shade trees compared to
the planting of new shade trees, this analysis did
not include carbon dynamics of shade trees. If
new trees were planted for shade, there would
be greater carbon uptake by the system than
presented in this analysis.
 PCA reduced emissions intensity for cacao
(CO2e emitted per kg production) through
improved carbon sequestration and increased
yields. PCA improved cacao postharvest
handling (proper pod selection, storage, drying
and fermentation methods) by building
knowledge and capacity in producer


Nash J, Grewer U, Bockel L, Galford G, Pirolli G, White J. 2016. Peru Cacao Alliance: Carbon sequestration as a co-benefit of cacao expansion. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


  • Nash, Julie
  • Grewer, Uwe
  • Bockel, Louis
  • Galford, Gillian L.
  • Pirolli, Gillian
  • White, Julianna M.