
Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda


Impact evaluations and cost-benefit analyses often guide investments in agricultural development but determining whether an investment is cost effective in empowering women is a major challenge. The multidimensional, dynamic nature of women’s empowerment does not lend itself easily to quantitative measurement and poses challenges for aggregation across different dimensions, and for analyzing trade-offs in development.


Kramer B, Rose A, Dejene S, Mukangabo E, Mollerstrom J, Seymour G, Kagabo D. 2021. Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Kramer, Berber
  • Rose, Alison
  • Dejene, Samson
  • Mukangabo, Emerence
  • Mollerstrom, Johanna
  • Seymour, Greg
  • Kagabo, Desire