
Mobile applications for weather and climate information: their use and potential for smallholder farmers


Mobile phones are increasingly being used to provide smallholder farmers with agricultural
and related information. There is currently great interest in their scope to communicate
climate and weather information. Farmers consistently identify demand for weather
information and whilst ICTs may be one way of delivering this at scale there are concerns that
this should not be seen as a panacea. At a time when there have been a range of initiatives and
projects that have been implemented this paper seeks to draw lessons and identify key
considerations to inform the development of future mobile applications to provide climate
services to smallholder farmers. A literature review, interviews with key informants and
experts and 15 case study reviews were conducted. This focused principally on Sub Saharan
Africa but included some examples from India.
Despite numerous initiatives few have developed fully beyond the pilot stage and few have
been evaluated. Some of the provision to date has been of questionable value to farmers. A
key observation is that relatively little attention has been paid in design, to the needs for and
use of both the information and technology by farmers, and few attempts made to differentiate
provision according to gender and other demographic variables. Other factors contributing to
success included communications approaches, which are interactive and/or involve trusted
intermediaries who can add context to and help interpret more complex information.
Providing weather information alongside other services as ‘bundles’ and in conjunction with
complementary communications approaches appears to work well. An important challenge is
how to meet farmers’ needs for location specific, timely and relevant information in
economically sustainable ways. More widely there are challenges in achieving successful
business models and potential conflicts between initiatives driven by mobile network
operators and public goals.
The study identified areas of considerable potential which include: the use of increasingly
available mobile data connections to ensure locally relevant content is available to farmers in
timely fashion (including both historical climate information and forecasts); development of
participatory decision making tools to enable farmers to interpret information for their own
contexts and consider implications and management options; use of visual applications and
participatory video on mobile devices to enhance learning and advisory services for farmers; the potential for increased feedback between farmers and service providers as well as
increased knowledge sharing between farmers provided by the use of social media.


Caine A, Dorward P, Clarkson G, Evans N, Canales C and Stern D. 2015. Review of Mobile Applications that Involve the Use of Weather and Climate Information: their use and potential for Smallholder Farmers. CCAFS Working Paper no.150. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Caine, A
  • Dorward, P.
  • Clarkson, G.
  • Evans, N
  • Canales, C.
  • Stern, D.
  • Stern, R.