
Kick-off meeting on "Piloting and scaling of low emission development options in large-scale dairy farms in China"


The cooperative project of the Consultative Organization for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) on “Piloting and scaling of low emission development options in large-scale dairy farms in China” which jointly applied by the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agricultural, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-IEDA), China Agricultural University and Wageningen University & Research has obtained approval. The project is an important part of the "Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security" project.
The objectives of this project are:
-dentify potential mitigation options dairy in CN
-Evaluate the feasibility of mitigation options for
implementation in dairy production systems in China.
-Engage stakeholders and next users to enhance
implementation and scaling of mitigation options
Contents of the meeting
- Introduction of the project
-Implementation plan and progress of the project
-Discussion and improvement of implementation plan


Zijlstra J, Dong H, Wei S. 2020. Kick-off meeting on "Piloting and scaling of low emission development options in large-scale dairy farms in China". Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Wagenin Research & University (WUR).


  • Zijlstra, Jelle
  • Dong, Hongmin
  • Wei, Sha