
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Working Group on Impact Pathways and Monitoring and Evaluation (M+E) for results-based management will participate in a introductory training workshop on Theories of Change, Impact Pathways and Monitoring and Evaluation.

The objectives of the training workshop are as follow:

1.   To introduce working group members to outcomes thinking;
2.   To present elements of the CCAFS Theory of Change (TOC), Impact Pathway (IP) and monitoring and evaluation (M+E) frameworks that have been drafted;
3.   To provide working group members with tools that will allow them to guide their units in completing their TOC/IP/M+E plan in a way that will allow for a consistent, harmonized product for all of CCAFS; and
4.   To establish a CCAFS working group on Theories of Change, Impact Pathways and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Participants in the workshop will be able to:

1.   Work with the members of their unit (flagship, region, centre) to document their ToC, write their IP in detail, and draft their M&E plan;
2.   Design and facilitate consistent TOC/IP reflection and revision for their unit;
3.   Be an active member of a CCAFS practice and discussion group on TOC/IP/M+E; and
4.   Explain and promote the CCAFS TOC/IP/ M+E plan to others.

This will be an experiential, hands on training, during which participants will develop their skills by developing first drafts of their unit's TOC, IP and M+E plan. Participants will be able to present these first drafts to their units after the training for consideration and revision.