Impact Assessment and Evaluations

All projects, Regions and Flagships under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and CCAFS as a whole, have a responsibility to monitor and evaluate their management and progress towards outcomes and impacts.  

The figure below shows the “results chain”. Much of the CCAFS assessment work is designed to cover the link between research and outcomes, but there are also impact assessments and various kinds of reviews of management.

There are three different types of evaluations that CCAFS utilizes:

  1. Program
  2. Impacts
  3. Outcomes


Reviews conducted by donors, the consortium, auditors and the Internal Evaluation Arrangement (IEA)

CRP-Commissioned External Reviews (CCERs)

These are commissioned through the CCAFS Independent Steering Committee (ISC) or CIAT Board

1) EU Review of CCAFS West and East Africa Regional Programs (2018)

2) Theme 3 review (2014)

3) Management and governance review (2013)

4) Review of CCAFS Theme by region matrix management (2013)