John W. Recha
Dr. John Recha holds a PhD in Soil Science with minor specialization in Hydrology, and International Agriculture and Rural Development (Cornell University). He has an MSc in Soil Science and Land Management (Sokoine University of Agriculture), and BSc in Agriculture (University of Nairobi).
Before joining the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), as a researcher on Participatory Action Research, he was a Postdoctoral Associate with Cornell University’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences for a semester, working on soil fertility management. He was a Research Fellow with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) from 2007 to 2011. As a Research Fellow, he undertook research on stream water dynamics and carbon and nutrient losses in Nandi watersheds in western Kenya. Prior to that, he worked as a Research Technician with ICRAF from 2004 to 2006, where he coordinated soil fertility management on-farm research in western Kenya’s Nandi chronosequence. He has worked with environmental non-governmental organizations, promoting climate smart agriculture for improving rural livelihoods, and has written research articles on soil fertility management and hydrology in the tropics.
Selected publications
Recha J W, Lehmann J, Walter MT, Pell AN, Verchot L, Johnson M (2013) Stream water nutrient and organic carbon exports from tropical headwater catchments at a soil degradation gradient. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 95:145-158
Macoloo C, Recha J, Radeny M, Kinyangi J. 2013. Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya. Case Study prepared for Hunger Nutrition Climate Justice 2013, A New Dialogue: Putting People at the Heart of Global Development. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Aid.
Recha J, Kinyangi J and Omondi H. 2013. Climate Related Risks and Opportunities for Agricultural Adaptation in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya. CCAFS East Africa Program project report. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Mahoo H, Mbungu W, Rwehumbiza F, Mpeta E, Isack Yonah I, Kinyangi J, Radeny M, Recha J. 2013. Seasonal weather forecasting: Integration of indigenous and scientific knowledge. Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA) workshop, 29-31 May 2013, Nairobi, Kenya.
Recha J W, Lehmann J, Walter MT, Pell A, Verchot L, Johnson M. 2012. Stream Discharge in Tropical Headwater Catchments as a Result of Forest Clearing and Soil Degradation. Earth Interactions, Vol. 16, No. 13: pp. 1-18
Recha J W. 2010: Deforestation and long-term smallholder cultivation of land decreases water holding capacity of soils: what to do? Norman Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program Research Brief
Kimetu JM, Lehmann J, Ngoze S, Mugendi D, Kinyangi J, Riha S, Verchot L,
Recha J W, Pell A. 2008. Reversibility of Soil Productivity Decline with Organic Matter of Differing Quality Along a Degradation Gradient. Ecosystems, 11(5): 726-739