
COP22 Low-Emissions Solutions Conference

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The conference will bring together cities, government and business to scale up climate solutions.

Cities, business and government will come together to scale up solutions for climate action at COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco at the Low Emissions Solutions Conference in order to accelerate the implementation of solutions under the historic Paris Agreement. The Government of Morocco will host the conference in partnership with UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and ICLEI.

16 November 2016, 14:30-15:45: Mitigation and climate-smart agriculture

The session will discuss practical solutions for climate-smart agriculture as a response to challenges as diverse as deforestation, soil and nutrient management, food loss and waste, and the protection of smallholder farmers.

Draft program and speakers:

  • Introduction and moderation - Sonja Vermeulen, Head of Research, CCAFS
  • Landscape planning and the integration of biodiversity for increased resilience, carbon capture and production benefits - Romano de Vivo, Global Head of Environmental Policy, Syngenta
  • Capacity building to foster CSA, resilience and climate adaptation in Africa: the experience of Olam partnerships in Ghana, Gabon and DRC – Chris Brown, Olam
  • The role of forests and agriculture in low carbon development pathways in Amazonia - Virgilio Viana, Amazonas Sustainable Foundation
  • Pricing carbon in agriculture – TBC
  • Agriculture and business role in meeting INDCs  - Abbie Reynolds, Executive Director, Sustainable Business New Zealand
  • GHG Mitigation in Agriculture: Carbon Neutral Farming -  Gabriela Burian, Global Lead, Sustainable Agriculture and Innovation, Monsanto 
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