
The fourth in a series of workshops conducted by the LEG and the NAP Technical Working Group, this workshop is designed to advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs in developing countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean taking into account latest developments under the UNFCCC and other relevant processes.

Twenty-six countries in the LAC region join the UNFCCC regional training workshop on National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) for the LAC region, held in San Jose from 4 to 7 September, 2017.

The four-day training workshop is hosted by the Government of Costa Rica through the Ministry of Environment and Energy and organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Least Developed Countries Experts Group (LEG) and the NAP technical working group in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (UNDP J-CCCP) and the NAP Global Network.

The workshop will be attended by the Green Climate Fund, agencies as well as partner organizations such as Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization and regional centres and networks such as the NAP Global Network and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

Participants are being trained on how to formulate their country’s National Adaptation Plan through the identification and application of relevant approaches, methods and tools for risk, vulnerability, and adaptation assessments. 

CCAFS will give a talk regarding its work supporting National Adaptation Plans processes in Latin America and abroad.

For more information, visit the conference official website