
CCAFS is hosting a workshop on nature-based solutions to transform food systems as part of Nature's Climate Hub during Climate Week NYC 2019.

About Nature's Climate Hub

As part of the UN Climate Action Summit, the UN Secretary-General has initiated nine coalitions comprised of national governments and other key stakeholders. Their remit is to ensure transformative outcomes from the Summit. Nature-based solutions is one of the nine tracks. Nature’s Climate Hub, operating for four days, will mirror the work of the nature-based solutions coalition on each day.

Nature-based solutions harness nature’s capacity to reduce emissions and enhance resilience, offering a crucial response to climate change at the scale and pace that is needed to keep global temperatures within a 1.5 degrees rise. In addition, nature-based solutions also support efforts to achieve sustainable development in areas such as food security, poverty reduction and rural livelihoods. To make this transformation possible, the necessary actions must be clearly identified, along with robust implementation system and finance on an unprecedented scale.

Nature’s Climate Hub aims to accelerate, synergize and facilitate engagement across the climate, development and nature communities to showcase nature-based solutions. The hub will focus on climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience with the objective of increasing the scale of ambition and the speed of delivery. To achieve this objective, the hub will engage multiple stakeholders, including governments, companies, financial institutions, indigenous peoples, local communities and young people from all over the world.

About the workshop


Please register via Eventbrite to secure your seat.

Please note that Eventbrite ticket holders must enter by 8:55 AM; after that time we will give seats to walk-ins. If no more tickets are available please join us as a walk-in. 

The Transforming Food Systems under Climate Change Initiative is a global effort involving over 100 organizations to change the way we produce and consume food to meet the SDGs. The initiative proposes science-based actions that can transform food systems, and identifies champions from business, civil society and governments to lead implementation.

Actions proposed under this initiative include nature-based solutions, to ensure that there is zero agricultural land expansion in high carbon landscapes and to improve carbon sequestration in degraded soils. 


  • Outline key opportunities to scale nature-based solutions and transform food systems.
  • Identify champions to lead action to ensure zero agricultural land expansion in high carbon landscapes and to improve carbon sequestration in degraded soils.

Expected outcomes

  • An action agenda to scale nature-based solutions for zero agricultural land expansion in high carbon landscapes and improved carbon sequestration on degraded soils, together with key champions identified to lead action.





Welcome and scene setting

Martien Van Nieuwkoop, Director, Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank


Technical presentation: Opportunities to transform food systems through nature based solutions.

Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodríguez, Head of Global Policy Research, CCAFS


Power pitches: Examples or commitments of nature-based solutions to transform food systems

Amy Senter, Chief Sustainability Officer, Kellogg Company


Mark Smith, Deputy Director General, IWMI


Elizabeth Mwiyeria, Country Manager, Vi Agroforestry


Deon Nel, CEO, Global Resilience Partnership


Panel discussion: An action agenda to achieve scale

Moderated by Martien Van Nieuwkoop

  • From your experience what are the key constraints or barriers to scale nature based-solutions such as the ones just presented?
  • How can these barriers be overcome?
  • Please mention two specific actions that could be implemented in the following year to scale nature based-solutions in relation to zero agricultural land expansion in high carbon landscapes and to improve carbon sequestration in degraded soils.


Q&A and discussion


Closing remarks

Charlotte Hebebrand, Director General, International Fertilizer Industry Association



Partners participating in this event: 

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This event page provides details for one of the four events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during Climate Week NYC (22–29 September, 2019). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.