Agriculture and the Nationally Determined Contributions: Opportunities to bridge science and policy
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The Paris Agreement, which entered force in 2016, requires involved Parties to submit Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Today, it is well known that global agriculture both contributes to, and is affected by, the changing climate, which calls for an integrated role of farming in climate policy formation. Agriculture’s incorporation into national-level climate policies can be difficult due to myriad challenges, such as a lack of effective stakeholder engagement, limited capacity and funding, and highly complex and varying contexts in which the policies are being developed. The NDCs, which influence subsequent policy development, offer an opportunity to strengthen agriculture’s presence in national climate agendas—in this webinar, we explore some of the approaches and programs that could be of use to policy-makers working at the nexus of climate change and agriculture.
This webinar is facilitated through the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA) platform, which promotes far-ranging dialogue that encourages multi-stakeholder collaboration and advocacy. It will be moderated by Martial Bernoux, Natural Resource Officer, Food and Agriculture Organzation of the United Nations (FAO) and opened by Simon Leiva, Coordinator, GACSA.
Key topics to be discussed
- Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) as an approach to reaching the agricultural climate objectives outlined in the NDCs;
- Examples of effective projects, programs, or policies that help to bridge the gap between agricultural policy and science;
- Considerations for policy-makers that aim to strengthen the presence of agriculture in their national-level climate policies.
Elizabeth Freed, Wageningen University & Research and CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
“Exploring the use of climate-smart agriculture as an approach to the implementation of the agricultural sector’s Nationally Determined Contributions”
Prof. Rogier Schulte, Chair Farming Systems Ecology Group, Wageningen University & Research
“Integration of agriculture into climate policy”
Imelda (Dada) Bacudo, Expert on Climate Policy and Finance, Land Use and Climate-Smart Agriculture, International Development Agencies Worldwide
- Recording of the webinar: Agriculture and the NDCs: Opportunities to bridge science and policy