
CAS 2021 Virtual Dialogue Session 1: Transforming innovation systems for evidence-based action at scale

Part 1 of the Climate resilient food systems for Africa: From evidence to action virtual dialogue series that aims to identify principles and approaches to strengthen evidence-based action.




Virtual dialogue 1: Transforming innovation systems for evidence-based action at scale

13 JAN | 14:00 – 15:30 PM CET

Introduction to the virtual dialogue series

Ivo Demmers, Director, Food Security and Valuing Water Program, Wageningen University & Research (WUR)


Welcome by Chair

Rachel Lambert, Senior Livelihoods Adviser, Agriculture Research, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom


Keynote presentation: How should innovation systems transform at the national level to support evidence-based adaptation action?

Paul Desanker, Manager, Response Subdivision, Adaptation, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Panel reacting to keynote from different perspectives

  • Christophe Larose, Head of Sector, Sustainable Agriculture, European Commission
  • Sithembile Mwamakamba, Director, Policy Research and Analysis, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) 
  • Marcel van Nijnatten, Policy Coordinator, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality 
  • Chris Kyeswa, Executive Director, Africa 2000 Network 

Reflection from the next generation

Eunice Likoko, Policy Adviser – Gender and Nutrition, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Live Q&A and interactive session with audience 14:55
Closing comments from all speakers 15:15

Closing and a way forward

Marco Ferroni, Chair, CGIAR System Board




