
Andrew Juan Challinor is a Professor of Climate Impacts at the University of Leeds. He uses climate and crop modelling, and treatments of uncertainty, to develop strategies for managing risk and adapting food systems to climate change. He has over fifteen years of research experience, and over 70 publications, over fifty of which have been published to date in internationally refereed journals, and seven of which have been published as book chapters.

Andy was PI of the NERC EQUIP consortium and Research Director for the University of Leeds Africa College Partnership. He is a Lead Author on both the IPCC Fifth Assessment chapter ‘Food Production Systems and Food Security’ and the forthcoming UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, due in 2017. He is the “Food Availability” Theme leader for the University of Leeds Food Hub and Keynote seminars and talks include the Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum, CCAFS science meeting 2014 and Transformational Climate Science at Exeter in May 2014.

Andy has been the PI and Co-I for over twenty funded projects in the last ten years, from a diverse range of funders, including NERC, ESRC, BBSRC, CGIAR, DFID, DEFRA and a private donor, e.g.

· NERC consortium grant PI, 2009-2012: End-to-end quantification of uncertainty for impacts prediction (EQUIP), £1.4M

· FP7 EUPORIAS Co-I, 2012 (European Provision Of Regional Impact Assessment on a Seasonal-to-decadal timescale), £1.1M

Andy is a member of the UK Government Climate and Development Knowledge Network Roster of Experts and also the Editorial Boards of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and World Agriculture and he has advised and provided perspectives for a range of media, including national radio, ‘The Rough Guide to Climate Change’, Science, Nature Climate Change, public talks and local and national newspapers.

Some recent publications

Challinor AJ, Parkes B, Ramirez-Villegas J. 2015. Crop yield response to climate change varies with cropping intensity. Global Change Biology 21(4):1679–1688. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12808

Watson J, Challinor AJ, Fricker TE, Ferro AT. 2014. Comparing the effects of calibration and climate errors on a statistical crop model and a process-based crop model. Climatic Change 1-17.

Iizumi T, Luo JJ, Challinor AJ, Sakurai G, Yokozawa M, Sakuma H, Brown ME, Yamagata T. 2014. Impacts of El Niño Southern Oscillation on the global yields of major crops. Nat Commun 5:3712. doi: doi:10.1038/ncomms4712

Wesselink A, Challinor AJ, Watson J, Beven K, Allen I, Hanlon H, Lopez A, Lorenz S, Otto F, Morse A, Rye C, Saux-Picard S, Stainforth D, Suckling E. 2014. Equipped to deal with uncertainty in climate and impacts predictions: lessons from internal peer review. Climatic Change 1-14.

Challinor AJ, Watson J, Lobell DB, Howden SM, Smith DR, Chhetri N. 2014. A metaanalysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4(4):287–291.

Koehler AK, Challinor AJ, Hawkins E. 2013. Influences of increasing temperature on Indian wheat: quantifying limits to predictability. Environ. Res. Lett. 8:034016.

Vermeulen SJ, Challinor AJ, Thornton PK, Campbell BM, Eriyagama N, Vervoort JM, Kinyangi J, Jarvis A, Läderach P, Ramirez-Villegas J, Nicklin KJ, Hawkins E, Smith DR. 2013. Addressing uncertainty in adaptation planning for agriculture. PNAS 110(21):8357–8362.

Iizumi T, Sakuma H, Yokozawa M, Luo JJ, Challinor AJ, Brown ME, Sakurai G, Toshio Yamagata J. 2013. Prediction of seasonal climate-induced variations in global food production, Nature Climate Change 3:904-908. doi: 10.1038/nclimate1945

Hawkins E, Fricker TE, Challinor AJ, Ferro CAT, Ho CK, Osborne TM. 2013. Increasing influence of heat stress on French maize yields from the 1960s to the 2030s. Global Change Biology 19:937–947.