Dhanush Dinesh
As Head of Partnerships and Outreach, Dhanush leads the cross-cutting Learning Platform on Partnerships and Capacity for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture, and the CCAFS Program Management Unit office at Wageningen University and Research.
Prior to joining CCAFS, Dhanush worked as the Coordinator of the Plan Vivo Foundation, managing an international certification scheme for community-based Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). His previous work experience includes roles within the private sector, NGOs, and the UN system, in China, India, Thailand, and the UK. He has worked on a range of issues including forestry, environmental policy, climate change adaptation, and advocacy, at the national, regional, and global levels.
Dhanush has an interdisciplinary academic background, combining an MBA from PSG Institute of Management and an MSc in Carbon management from the University of Edinburgh.