Sridhar Gummadi
Sridhar Gummadi is Science Officer for the CCAFS Southeast Asia Regional Program. His main expertise lies in the areas of seasonal climate forecast, crop growth modeling, climate risk management and spatial analysis. He led the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) as a part of the Eastern and Southern Africa team. He also conducted integrated assessments of climate change impacts to determine regional vulnerabilities, changes in comparative advantage, price effects, and potential adaptation strategies in the agricultural sector using multi-model simulations. He is leading the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolkit (CRAFT) which provides information to subsidence farmers in Mali on seasonal yield estimation using probabilistic seasonal climate forecast.
Prior to joining CCAFS, Sridhar worked as a scientist on climate change and adaptation. He worked at Innovation Systems for the Drylands (ISD) by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He obtained his PhD from the University of Reading, UK with a major in climate modeling under a FELIX Fulbright fellowship. He started to work for ICRISAT in 2013 in collaboration with CCAFS. He also worked with RMS Inc. in developing catastrophic insurance products, agricultural insurance products for India and Mozambique. He has published more than 15 journal articles, two book chapters and one book.