CCAFS at SB50 | Enhancing NDC ambition through soil organic carbon sequestration
A science-policy dialog on why and where ambition for soil organic carbon should be enhanced and the issues countries face in enhancing ambition.
This event took place 26 June 2019. Please find the presentations below:
- Multiple authors, Claire Weill: Agenda, key messages, and conclusion
- Liesl Wiese: Soil organic carbon in nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- Cristina Arias-Navarro: International soil carbon sequestration research
Country representatives and experts will discuss the potential of soil organic carbon sequestration as a climate change mitigation option and the gap between countries’ current and potential commitments.
Scientists will present an analysis of current and potential soil carbon commitments in countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the growing body of evidence on the benefits of soil carbon for agriculture and slowing desertification. Representatives of Brazil, the European Commission, and Indonesia will discuss challenges for maintaining and increasing sequestration of soil organic carbon for climate change mitigation, soil health and improved productivity, and they will make recommendations for enhancing ambition and implementation. The World Bank will discuss avenues of support for climate change adaptation and mitigation and how soil organic carbon fits in that context.
Our aim is to help countries with the potential to increase or protect existing soil organic carbon identify soil organic carbon targets in their NDCs and build the finance, technology, and implementation systems to support ambitious implementation.
Welcome and introduction | Lini Wollenberg, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), University of Vermont |
Presentations | Facilitated by Abigaïl Fallot, Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) |
Soil organic carbon in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) | Liesl Wiese, 4P1000 |
Co-benefits of soil organic carbon | Cristina Arias-Navarro, National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), France |
Panel discussion | Facilitated by Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS and University of Vermont |
Valerie Dermaux, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, France Eleneide Doff Sotta, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Brazil Fahmuddin Agus, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | |
Discussion with audience | |
Closing | Claire Weill, National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), France |
Recent research and analysis on soil organic carbon
- Article: Soussana J-F, Lutfalla S, Ehrhardt F, Rosenstock TS, Lammana C, Havlík P, Richards M, Wollenberg E, Chotte J-L, Torquebiau E, Ciais P, Smith P, Lal R. 2019. Matching policy and science: Rationale for the ‘4 per 1000 - soils for food security and climate’ initiative. Soil and Tillage Research.
- Report: CGIAR System Organization, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, World Bank. 2019. SBSTA 50 submission. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
- Article: Rumpel C, Amiraslani F, Chenu C, Garcia Cardenas M, Kaonga M, Koutika L-S, Ladha JK, Madari B, Shirato Y, Smith P, Soudi B, Soussana J-F, Whitehead D, Wollenberg E. 2019. The 4p1000 initiative: Opportunities, limitations and challenges for implementing soil organic carbon sequestration as a sustainable development strategy. Ambio.
- Article: Rumpel C, Amiraslani F, Koutika L-S, Smith P, Whitehead D, Wollenberg, E. 2018. Put more carbon in soils to meet Paris climate pledges. Nature, 564:32-34.
- Summary blog: Science is not negotiable: Reflections from the UN climate talks in Bonn
- Web recording: Enhancing NDC ambition through soil organic carbon sequestration (click "Join the event" to watch the online recording)
This event is co-sponsored by:
- 4P1000
- Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD)
- The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Low Emissions Development
- Institute of Research for Development (IRD), France
- National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), France
- University of Vermont Gund Institute for Environment, Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources
This event page provides details for one of three official side events that CCAFS will co-host with partners during the 50th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA50). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.
Cover photo: M Ayene (WLE)