
Scaling-up Climate-Smart Villages in India


CCAFS Climate-Smart Villages (CSV) have successfully combined global knowledge with local action to help farmers sustainably produce more food, while curbing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing resilience to climate change. In CSVs farmers and researchers test and implement portfolios of climate-smart agricultural practices, technologies, and services, which can be combined together to make the best out of an increasingly difficult situation. In the Indian state of Haryana, farmers have implemented climate-smart practices such as laser-land levelling and alternate wetting and drying of rice, reducing water use, improving soil health and bringing economic rewards. Farmers have also been receiving agro-advisories on their mobile phones, with inputs from met departments, scientists, input dealers and farmers, which allow them to make timely decisions.


CCAFS. 2015. Scaling-up Climate-Smart Villages in India. Outcome cases. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security