
Opportunity to share climate-smart agriculture prioritization tools and discuss their integration across scales by researchers and practitioners.

The concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is being embraced by scientists (Harvey et al 2013), funding agencies (Grainger-Jones, 2011), national governments and policy makers, global and regional alliances (e.g. Global Alliance for CSA (GACSA); Alliance for CSA in Africa), as well as the CGIAR. FAO outlined the three pillars of CSA: 1) Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; 2) Adapting and building resilience to climate change; and 3) Reducing and/or removing greenhouse gases emissions, where possible (FAO, 2013). In 2010 FAO, highlighted that climate-smart practices already exist on the farm and that innovative approaches were needed for outscaling.

In response to the positive benefits of CSA, several organizations have developed tools for prioritizing CSA technologies in diverse environments and at different scales. The idea for this workshop was inspired by the innovative work of several CGIAR centres and NGOs that are prioritizing, implementing and testing CSA techonologies within the CCAFS climate-smart villages, national CSA plans, and beyond. This workshop will also build on the knowledge from the Kenya National Climate-Smart Agriculture Workshop  held in Nairobi in 2014. The idea for the workshop is to share prioritization tools and discuss the integration of these tools across scales.


  1. To provide an interactive forum to share methods, tools, and experiences currently being used and developed to prioritize CSA practices in SSA.
  2. To share lessons learned from implementing climate smart/best practices.
  3. To explore opportunities for collaboration and funding.
  4. To explore better alignment where possible and relevant.

Each group will set up their table to showcase their tool, highlight where it has been implemented, expected outputs/outcomes and to provide a forum to encourage discussion.






Introduction Roundtable, icebreaker – mapping activities and scales

  • What projects are working where and at what scale


Tea Break


Tools Bazaar


Prioritization Tools Roundtable- Each group will set up their table to showcase their tool, highlight where it has been implemented, outputs/outcomes and to provide a forum to encourage discussion

 For example

  • Who are the intended users?
  • What is the timeline and cost for use?
  • What are the expected outcomes?
  • What models are being used?
  • What are the priority areas for action?

How do you integrate gender and youth?



12:30– 13:30

Lunch Break




Break away sessions and reporting back

  • How do you evaluate a smart/best practice
  • What are the metrics / indicators
  • From the farmers/governments/scientists
  • Which data are being used for evaluation
  • Best practices for improving adoption
  • Partnerships for impact
  • Capacity building
  • How to bridge across the different spatial scales



15:00 – 16:30

Wrap up

  • Communications strategy about our work on CSA across the different organizations – how can we best present our frameworks to donors and potential partners as a suite of options
  •  Group discussion on synergies and linkages between frameworks.
  •  Opportunities for collaboration



For more information, please contact:

Leigh Winowiecki -  l.a.winowiecki[at]cgiar.org

Caroline Mwongera - c.mwongera[at]cgiar.org