
Live webcast 28 January: Insuring the future of farmers under climate change

Picture from the Mount Kenya region, for the Two Degrees Up project, to look at the impact of climate change on agriculture. Photo Neil Palmer (CIAT)
A high-level webcast event focused on innovations in index insurance that can safeguard the future of farmers under climate change.
New Report

Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights

CCAFS Report: Scaling Up index insurance for smallholder farmers

Bad weather is a serious risk for low-income farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk and others whose livelihoods depend on the natural resource base. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is working with partners around the world to develop weather index-based insurance schemes that help secure farmers’ livelihoods and give them the capacity to invest in climate-smart technologies, thereby helping to secure the world’s food supply. In a new study, CCAFS examines insurance schemes that have reached large numbers of farmers, drawing forth lessons applicable to scaling up insurance in new contexts. 

Read more about CCAFS' work on index insurance: Overview | Blog stories

Watch the recording


14.30 Pushing the goal post [view presentation]
Advances that can make a difference. 
Jon Hellin, Value Chain and Poverty Specialist for CIMMYT's Socio-economics program (SEP)
Breakthroughs In India  [view presentation]
Pramod Aggarwal, Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
14.45 Answering the tough questions – Q&A with the panel 
  • How valuable is insurance for building the resilience of farmers? 
  • What is being done at scale in India and can mega-scaling be achieved? 
  • What is being planned in Nigeria, what are the tough challenges?
  • What innovations we can expect in the coming years?
  • Ms. Clare Shakya. Climate Change Team Leader, Africa Regional Dept, DFID
  • Mr. Bashiru Martins, Deputy General Manager, Agricultural Insurance Corporation of Nigeria
  • Mr. Joseph Plappallil, Chairman and Managing Director, Agriculture Insurance Company of India
  • Mr. Mario Wilhelm, Vice President, Global Partnerships, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions
  • Dr. Chirantan Bannerjee, Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Moderator: Julian Roberts, Executive Director, Agribusiness & Weather, Willis

15.15 Q&A with audience and online viewers
15.45 Closing remarks
Dr Débísí Àràbà, Team Leader, Environment and Climate Change Unit, Office of the Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria