
Scenario-guided policy and investment planning for food- and nutrition-secure futures under climate change

Photo: E. van de Grift

In the period from 2010 to 2016, the Scenarios Project developed from a focus on regional scenario development alone to engaging with specific national and regional policy processes for scenario-guided policy formulation. This resulted in a diverse set of policy outcomes in 7 scenario regions. We aim to build on this successful first phase in the following ways:
1. More emphasis on engaging with CCAFS policy concerns from a food systems/food and nutrition security perspective.
2. A focus on the gap in research between foresight and governance - who governs foresight?
3. Using foresight as a mechanism for inclusion of gender and youth issues and stakeholders.
3. A stronger focus on the development of longer-term institutional capacity in foresight methods.
4. Increased emphasis on integrating sub-national governance levels into national policy making, and on implementation planning.
5. An increased focus on research and reflection on the conducted foresight processes.