
Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions and emission reductions correctly is essential to achieve climate change mitigation.

The MRV Platform for Agriculture provides information to guide measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for agricultural emissions and mitigation, such as for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The Platform houses a wide range of tools, approaches, and case studies about how to design and implement MRV of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigation actions in the livestock sector. The Platform will expand to include other agriculture sectors over the next year.

The MRV Platform is meant to be a one-stop entry point on MRV topics for compilers of national GHG inventories, developers of national and subnational mitigation actions, preparers of climate finance proposals, and teams in agriculture and environment ministries responsible for NDC implementation and revision. Agricultural development agencies could also use the MRV Platform to track the GHG impacts of their projects.”

Sinead Leahy, International Capability and Training Coordinator, New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC), which helped develop the platform on behalf of the Global Research Alliance for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA)

Describing approaches that work, from good-enough to gold-standard

A recent review of current MRV practices in the livestock sector found that a lack of examples of approaches and methods used in MRV at different levels (national, sub-national, and project) that are applicable for developing country systems. The MRV Platform aims to fill this gap.

Over 100 countries indicated their intention to reduce emissions from the agriculture sector in their NDCs, and all of them need credible MRV systems. We want to ensure that inventory compilers and project developers have access to the information they need and examples of how others have solved the same problems they may be facing.”

Meryl Richards, Science Officer, CCAFS; Research Associate, University of Vermont

The MRV Platform summarizes evidence-based approaches to practicing MRV. Andreas Wilkes, a scientist with UNIQUE land use and forestry GmbH, authored over 30 case studies now housed on the platform.

The case studies examine how common challenges have been addressed. For example, animal weight data are necessary for estimating emissions from cattle. But what do you do when you don’t have those data at a national level?”

Andreas Wilkes, Scientist, UNIQUE land use and forestry GmbH

This MRV Platform for Agriculture is an initiative of the Global Research Alliance for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), implemented in partnership with UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC). Web design is by Clutch Creative. Funding was provided by the New Zealand Government as an activity of the GRA.

The Platform will expand over time, including additional case studies. Experts are welcome to submit additional resources to


Sadie Shelton is a student assistant for CCAFS and a senior undergraduate at the Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources (RSENR) at the University of Vermont. She has been instrumental in the creation of the MRV Platform.