sep 3, 2019

Media Advisory | The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture

What: The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture will this year focus on “Transforming food systems under a changing climate” to explore the changes needed to help farmers and food systems both adapt to and mitigate climate change.


The event is hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, and the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture.


The conference will cover six key themes:

  1. Empowering farmer and consumer organizations, women and youth 
  2. Digitally enabled climate-informed services
  3. Climate-resilient and low-emission practices and technologies
  4. Innovative finance to leverage public and private sector investments
  5. Reshaping supply chains, food retail, marketing and procurement
  6. Fostering enabling policies and institutions


When: Tuesday, October 8 to Thursday, October 10, 2019


Where: Ayana Resort, Bali, Indonesia 


Who: Leaders in science, business, policy and civil society will be available for interview including the following speakersThe following spokespeople will be available for interview:

  • Bruce Campbell, Program Director, CCAFS
  • Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Head of Global Policy Research at CCAFS
  • Andy Jarvis, Flagship Leader at CCAFS
  • Sonja Vermuelen, Director of Programs at CGIAR
  • Marcel van Nijnatten, Senior Policy Advisor, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
  • Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)


Experts on a broad range of topics related to food systems and climate change will also be available for interviews. A full list of speakers is available online here:


Why: The conference co-hosts will convene a wide range of stakeholders from across sectors to take action and drive the agricultural transformation agenda. The aim of the conference is to mobilise the knowledge needed for a global food systems transformation under climate change. It will also aim to foster the partnerships needed for this transformation, bringing together all key stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, investors and farmers. 


Journalists interested in attending the conference can register online here:


For further information and interview requests, please contact:

Donna Bowater

Marchmont Communications

+44 7929 212 534



CCAFS is a collaboration among all 15 CGIAR Research Centres and coordinates with other CGIAR research programs. CCAFS seeks to address the increasing challenge of global warming and declining food security on agricultural practices, policies and measures through strategic, broad-based global partnerships.