
Innovative public-private partnership on climate information services reaches 500,000 fisherfolks and farmers in Senegal

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CCAFS worked with national public (ANACIM) and private partners (Jokalante, Meteo-Mbay) in Senegal to design and disseminate tailored climate information services (CIS) through SMS and voice messages. These services help support
farm management decision making by farmers and warn artisanal fisherfolk about extreme weather events at sea.

Following successful dissemination to 500,000 beneficiaries, CCAFS developed four potential business models which were then validated by Senegaleseactors, in order to sustain CIS-use. USAID has since funded the testing, validation and implementation of two of these models.


CCAFS. 2019. Innovative public-private partnership on climate information services reaches 500,000 fisherfolks and farmers in Senegal. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security