
CCAFS science backs up a USD 45 million IADB loan for El Salvador for climate resilience through agriculture policy

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CCAFS research across Latin America has informed the CSA Strategy for the SICA region, which has served as a framework to formulate the National Policy of Agriculture of El Salvador and the National CSA policy. Based on this and using CCAFS and CIAT research results on climate change impacts on coffee and enhanced extension services through ICTs, the government of El Salvador developed a successful IADB loan proposal.

The loan of USD 45 million was recently granted and will be used to find solutions to increase resilience to climate change in the coffee sector while maintaining the ecosystem services associated with coffee crops through the use of digital climate-smart agriculture.


CCAFS. 2019. CCAFS science backs up a USD 45 million IADB loan for El Salvador for climate resilience through agriculture policy. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security