
Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon storage: Frontiers for linking finance and carbon accounting


All of the presentations from the webinar on "Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon storage: Frontiers for linking finance and carbon accounting" held on 10 September 2020.

This event is co-organized by CCAFS, The Nature Conservancy, 4 per 1000 Executive Secretariat, World Bank and the Meridian Institute.

Panelists included:
-Ciniro Costa Jr., CCAFS
-Tim Mealey, Meridian Institute
-Deborah Bossio, The Nature Conservancy
-Martien van Nieuwkoop, World Bank Group
-Keith Paustian, Colorado State University
-Stefan Jirka, Manager LandScale, Verra
-Dan Harburg, Director, Indigo
-William Salas, President of Dagan, Inc
-Aldyen Donnelly, Director of Carbon Economics, Nori
-Debbie Reed, Executive Director of Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC)
-Beverley Henry, Institute for Future Environments-QUT
-Pamela M. Bachman, Digital Agriculture & Sustainability Lead, The Climate Corporation, a subsidiary of Bayer
-Ronald Vargas, Global Soil Carbon Partnership - FAO
-Paul Luu, 4per1000


Costa CJ, Mealey T, Bossio D, van Nieuwkoop M, Paustian K, Jirka S, Harburg D, Salas W, Reed D, Henry B, Bachman PM, Vargas R, Luu P. 2020. Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon storage: Frontiers for linking finance and carbon accounting [Presentations]. In: Webinar, 10 September 2020. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Costa, Ciniro
  • Mealey, Tim
  • Bossio, Deborah A.
  • Nieuwkoop, Martien van
  • Paustian, Keith
  • Jirka, Stefan
  • Harburg, Dan
  • Salas, William
  • Donnelly, Aldyen
  • Reed, Debbie
  • Henry, Beverley
  • Bachman, Pamela M
  • Vargas, Ronald
  • Luu, Paul