Call for Concept Notes for CCAFS Flagships

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is making a call for concept notes for innovative research-for-development that will:

1) develop CCAFS portfolio of work related to climate smart agricultural practices, specifically around the area of local adaptation planning processes, and scaling up and out approaches (Flagship 1).

2) contribute to the resilience and adaptive capacity of agriculture through climate information services and climate-informed food security safety nets (Flagship 2).

Concept notes must specify not only the research outputs that are being proposed, but also a clear set of development outcomes, and a plausible theory of change on how this research will contribute to the larger goals of CCAFS and the CGIAR Intermediate Development Outcomes that CCAFS is adopting. 

Deadline for submission of the concept notes is 1 March 2014 at 5 pm CET. Deadline extended to 2 March at 5 pm CET (Paris, Rome).

Download Call for Concept Note Flagship 1 [PDF]
(Concept Note Format available in WORD version here

Download Call for Concept Note Flagship 2  [PDF]
(Concept Note Format available in WORD version here)

Download supporting documents
- CCAFS Phase two: Second order draft
- Impact Pathway for East Africa
- Impact Pathway for Latin America
- Impact Pathway for South Asia
- Impact Pathway for South East Asia
- Impact Pathway for West Africa
- Table of Regional Priorities

Added on 6 February 2014: Frequently Asked Questions related to the Call for Concept Notes (PDF)

Contact Torben Timmermann (t.timmermann[at] if you have any questions.

Note: Leocadio Sebastian's e-mail address has been changed on 16 December in updated Call for Concept Notes.