
Three-day workshop in Ludhiana allowed experts to share knowledge and lessons learnt from Climate-Smart Villages in Africa and South-Asia.


This 3-day workshop brought together representatives from Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) and related flagship projects across Latin America, Africa, Asia and South Asia in order to share their experiences, foster learning, exchange and discussions on CSVs approaches and methodologies. 
CSVs in Africa and South Asia have now been operating for 3-5 years, with a diverse set of approaches and principles and many lessons have been learnt that are directly relevant to Asia and Latin America as CSVs get developed. This workshop was also an opportunity to steer CSVs in common directions to stimulate cross regional learning, and harmonize scientific approaches. The ongoing evaluation of CCAFS also has recommendations that are of relevance to the CSV concept.


The key objectives of the workshop were to:
1. Define a common vision of what CSVs are, their purpose to CCAFS and its partners, and direction moving forwards
2. Reflect on lessons learnt from different CCAFS regions and a set of best practices going forward
3. Identify opportunities for harmonization of methodologies to enable cross regional analyses and global learning
4. Respond to emerging CCAFS external evaluation recommendations on CSVs and
incorporate adjustments into Flagship projects during Extension and Phase 2

Workshop outputs

Presnetations and a final workshop report will be published here soon.

Useful resources about CSVs

Brochure: Climate-smart agriculture: What is it? Why is it needed?

Success story: Climate-smart agriculture success stories from farming communities around the world

Report: Climate-Smart Villages in Haryana, India